Weekly Update for February 9, 2025

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Weekly Update at Introverted Reader

Welcome to my weekly update for February 9, 2025!

My husband finished his work assignment at a hospital near Phoenix at the end of January so we flew home to visit friends and family in Asheville, NC for a week and then flew to visit my in-laws in south Florida for a week. It was nice to see everyone.

This was my husband’s first time going home since Hurricane Helene devastated Asheville and Western North Carolina and he was shocked. I could see that there had been a lot of progress with debris clean-up and road repair since I was home in November but there’s still so far to go. It’s jarring to see homes that I’ve driven by my entire life damaged beyond repair with people I know living in campers or tents in their own front yards. As a reminder, if you’re willing and able to help with recovery efforts, our local NPR affiliate maintains a list of local disaster relief agencies. I keep this link in my sidebar too.

We spent a day with my sister while we were in Asheville and we decided to go for a scenic drive and see a couple of waterfalls. They were frozen around the edges, which was pretty. Icicles were hanging off the rocks that line the roadway too. Winter is not my favorite season but I can appreciate sights like these.

Then we took in the clear blue water and white sand beaches of the Gulf of Mexico. We’ve enjoyed the warm weather around Phoenix so far this winter but all that gorgeous blue water was a sight for sore eyes.

We got back to our RV near Phoenix on Wednesday evening then finished the week packing up for our relocation and settling in when we got there. I don’t like to announce where we’re going until my husband has actually started work so stay tuned for my next post!


  • A waterfall with ice along the edges and snow on the rocks in the plunge pool
  • Icicles hang from a rocky cliff beside a curving road on a blue-sky day
  • A "natural water slide" cascades down a gently sloping rock face with ice and snow along the edges and clear green water in the plunge pool
  • A medium-sized white bird wades along the blue-green waters of the Gulf of Mexico on the white sand of Marco Island

All images © Jennifer G. at Introverted Reader 2025

  1. Looking Glass Falls
  2. Highway 276, a beautiful mountain road
  3. Sliding Rock. People love to come here in the summer and slide down the rock face. I’ve never done that but I have gone tubing down the lower part of this river a few times. The water is always brisk!
  4. And, for a complete change of pace, a snowy egret on Marco Island in Florida


What You Are Looking For Is in the Library by Michiko Ayoama, translated by Alison Watts, illustrated by Rohan Easton: Book Review–4.5 Stars

January 2025 Month in Review

Cannery Row by John Steinbeck: Book Review–4 Stars


I didn’t finish anything this week, but we’re so close to finishing our road trip audiobook, my husband told me I should go ahead and count it as read. That felt like cheating though.

Currently Reading:

Doomsday Book (Oxford Time Travel #1) by Connie Willis

The Kamogawa Food Detectives (Kamogawa Food Detectives #1) by Hisashi Kashiwai, translated by Jesse Kirkwood, read by Hanako Footman

Cometh the Hour (The Clifton Chronicles #6) by Jeffrey Archer, read by Alex Jennings

Up Next:

I need to choose a nonfiction book but I don’t know what that will be yet.

What did your week look like?


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz hosts The Sunday Salon and Kimberly at Caffeinated Book Reviewer hosts Sunday Post. Kathryn at Book Date hosts It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

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  1. I love winter, but due to where I live I generally have to travel to get to anywhere with a “proper” winter complete with snow and ice. (I think this might be part of why I love it.) The partially frozen waterfalls look neat! I am always fascinated by seeing waterfalls not moving like that, even if just at the edges. It feels so surreal.

    1. Seven or eight years ago, we had a very long cold snap and these same waterfalls froze completely. My sister and I went out to see them and they were beautiful. I know that’s common further north but it’s rare for us in NC.

  2. The Gulf of Mexico must be beautiful!
    It’s not surprising during a relocation that you didn’t finish a book this week! I loved the Clifton Chronicles by Jeffrey Archer on audio. And The Doomsday Book is one of my all-time favorites! I need to put The Kamogawa Food Detectives on my TBR.
    My husband and I will have time to finish our unfinished road-trip audiobook this weekend on a long round-trip drive — This Is Happiness by Niall WIlliams. I have his new one, Time of the Child, on my TBR for next Christmas season.
    Lovely pictures, as always!

  3. I can imagine how upsetting it would be to see all the damage from Helene, but I’m glad progress is being made. Those folks living in tents during the winter must be pretty cold! 🙁 Can’t wait to hear where you’ve settled for your husband’s next assignment. Beautiful photos from your outings. The blue sky is stunning!

    1. Even the people in campers are struggling. They’re burning through propane like crazy and trying to keep pipes and hoses from freezing. When my husband worked fairly close to home last winter, we decided to winterize the camper and rent an apartment because we didn’t want to deal with it. Unfortunately, these people don’t have many great choices.

  4. As you leave Phoenix, I am headed there this weekend to visit some friends. I am intrigued about where you’ll be next.

  5. We all tend to forget a disaster area after a month or two, but the reality is after it all there is years of recovery. Wow people in tents in the winter. Beautiful photos as always.

    1. My in-laws live on the coast of Florida and they’ve had two pretty substantial hurricanes in the time I’ve been in the family. I remember being surprised when we visited months or even a year or two later and there were still blue tarps on the damaged roofs. Now I see better how long and slow the recovery process is.

    1. The Clifton Chronicles are the only books of his that I’ve read but once I finish this series, I’ll probably start another one. They’re fun, twisty audiobooks that don’t take up too much time or brain power.

  6. I love seeing and hearing about all you and your husband’s travels! Thanks for sharing so much with us. Can’t wait to hear about where you are now! Happy reading.

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