Weekly Update for December 8, 2024

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Welcome to my weekly update for December 8, 2024!

My husband and I picked up lingering colds the week of Thanksgiving so we’ve been taking it easy for a couple of weeks. We’re planning to start exploring again this weekend. There’s so much to see around Arizona!

One of our first excursions when we arrived in the Phoenix area was to Lost Dutchman State Park. We hiked to the base of these rocks and back down. When I flew home to NC a few weeks ago, my husband decided to hike/climb to the very top of the rocks (Named the Superstition Mountains). I knew that was more than my creaky knees could handle!

All images © Jennifer G. at Introverted Reader 2024


Sign ups for my 2025 Books in Translation Reading Challenge


2025 Southern Literature Reading Challenge.

You can read one book for each of these challenges and be successful or you can choose a different level to make it more difficult if you’d like. I’ve pinned the images in my sidebar for easy reference. Just click the button and you’ll be taken to the challenge page. I hope you’ll join me!


I was almost finished with a couple of these last week and a week of lying low gave me plenty of time for reading. Would you believe that all of these links go to my reviews on GoodReads? I’ve been in a definite review slump. I won’t promise you that they’re stellar reviews but they’re something!

The Hush (Johhny Merrimon #2) by John Hart, read by Jeremy Bobb–4 Stars

Cannery Row by John Steinbeck–4 Stars

I Think You’re Wrong (But I’m Listening): A Guide to Grace-Filled Political Conversations by Sarah Stewart Holland and Beth Silvers–3 Stars

Cute Toot by Breanna J. McDaniel, illustrated by Olivia de Castro–4 Stars

Christmas Bliss (Weezie and Bebe Mysteries #4) by Mary Kay Andrews, read by Kathleen McInerney–4 Stars

Midnight at the Christmas Bookshop (The Christmas Bookshop #2) by Jenny Colgan–4 Stars

Currently Reading:

A Woman in the Polar Night by Christiane Ritter, translated by Jane Degras

Wishin’ and Hopin’ by Wally Lamb, read by the author

Of Time and Turtles: Mending the World, Shell by Shattered Shell by Sy Montgomery, illustrated by Matt Patterson

Up Next:

I stopped by the library on Tuesday and checked out 11 graphic novels and picture books. I dislike reading those on my Kindle or laptop so I try to pick up physical copies when I can. You’ll see those show up over the next couple of weeks

What did your week look like?


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz hosts The Sunday Salon and Kimberly at Caffeinated Book Reviewer hosts Sunday Post. Kathryn at Book Date hosts It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

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  1. Arizona is beautiful country to hike around in!
    I haven’t read Cannery Row, but I have read other John Steinbeck titles. I didn’t read his work until my adult son turned me on to The Pastures of Heaven. I try to read at least one of his books a year now.
    Thanks for the heads up about the Wally Lamb title. It will be my adult Christmas read this year.

    1. I had to read two of Steinbeck’s books in high school and loathed them. But my old book club chose The Grapes of Wrath as one of our monthly reads several years ago. That was one of the books I had to read in high school. I decided to re-read it and loved it the second time around. I’ve read a few more of his books since then and I’ve really liked all of them. I’ve reached the conclusion that most teenagers (or maybe it was just me) simply don’t have the life experience to appreciate him.

      My husband and I are really enjoying the Wally Lamb book on audio. I hope you do too!

  2. I would love to do some hiking in Arizona, although I’d be nervous about rattlesnakes. Ugh! How are you enjoying Sy Montgomery’s new book? It’s on my mental TBR list. Enjoy the warm sunshine!

    1. I have a phobia of all snakes but do my best to just put it aside while we’re hiking. I have a figurative heart attack on the rare occasions when we come across a snake on the trail and then I move on. But we haven’t come across any so far in the desert, knock on wood. They tend to surprise me more on wooded trails where they’re harder to see in the brush and fallen leaves.

      I like the turtle book so far but somehow it’s moving a bit slow for me. That seems appropriate, given the subject though.

  3. I am looking forward to seeing what graphic novels you are reading and what you think of them. Have a great week!

  4. Ah Arizona, that must be an amazing state. Great you got so much read in the past week. Hope your challenges go well. I am always surprised by how many southern lit authors there are.

  5. Coincidentally, I just read a book the included the Lost Dutchman State Park (A Killer’s Code by Isabella Maldonado) which made me curious about the area. You read an interesting assortment of books. Come see me week here. Happy reading!

  6. I read the new Jenny Colgan short Christmas story but I need to read both of her Christmas bookshop novels still.

    I will be joining you for the Books in Translation challenge again next year! Will do my post closer to the end of the year.

    1. I loved the first Christmas Bookshop! The second was good but not quite as good as the first. I still need to create my own reading challenge page. Well, I actually need to decide which challenges I’m doing first!

    1. I haven’t even attempted a graphic novel on my Kindle since it’s a Paperwhite and I would lose all the color. I’ve read one or two on my laptop but I don’t find that enjoyable. So the physical library it is!

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