Weekly Update for August 9, 2020

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Weekly Update at Introverted Reader

Welcome to my weekly update for August 9, 2020!

After all our hiking last week, we took it relatively easy this week. My husband and I are usually in one place for three months before moving to a new place with his job. His three months in Portland, Oregon were complete on July 25 but we decided to renew his contract here for another three months for a lot of reasons. Anyway, we decided to take the RV (which we live in while we’re traveling) through a (socially-distanced) truck wash and drive it around for an hour or so to keep the engine running since it’s been sitting for so long. And that’s probably the most excitement we had this week. Oh, this pandemic!


Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer–4 Stars

The Long-Lost Home by Maryrose Wood–4 Stars


Hard Rain by Irma Venter, translated by Elsa Silke

Malorie by Josh Malerman, read by Cassandra Campbell

Currently Reading:

The Empire of Gold by S. A. Chakraborty

A Poison Dark and Drowning by Jessica Cluess, read by Fiona Hardingham

Get Well Soon: History’s Worst Plagues and the Heroes Who Fought Them by Jennifer Wright

On Hold for Now:

Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by James W. Loewen–I ran out of time on this library check-out so I’m on the waiting list again.

Hiking Oregon’s History: The Stories behind Historic Places You Can Walk to See by Michael L. Sullivan–I had to return this book before finishing it but I placed a hold on it so that I can continue it when it’s available again.


One Day at a Time Netflix Series Image

One Day at a Time on Netflix. Oh my goodness, we love this show! It’s a (remade) sitcom about a Cuban family living in LA. My father-in-law is Cuban so we relate to a lot of what we see. Somehow we’re laughing ’til we hurt one minute, then sobbing like babies, then laughing again. It tackles a lot of timely issues in sensitive ways as well.

Up Next:

I really don’t think that I’ll finish any of these books this week. I’ve had a lot of digital library holds that became available all at one time. I had to take advantage of Overdrive’s option to skip my turn but still keep my place in line. If I finish any of these, I’ll probably tackle one of those new library books.

What did your week look like?

Kathryn at Book Date hosts It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading? Kimberly at Caffeinated Book Reviewer hosts Sunday Post.

I have an affiliate relationship with Malaprop’s Bookstore/Cafe in beautiful Asheville, NC. I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you if you purchase merchandise through links on my site. 

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  1. Nice assortment of books. Your exciting week sounds a lot like mine. I keep having to ask what day it is. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  2. I love the Artemis Fowl books and Get Well Soon was great too. So funny when driving around is the big the thrill!

    1. What a sign of the times, right? It was a little disappointing at the end. A trip in the RV usually means a new and exciting location but not this time. Oh well. I’m loving Get Well Soon! It’s so relevant to what’s going on now!

  3. Wow what a nomadic lifestyle you have. Part of me is jealous but a bigger part knows what a homebody I am. I’ve never investigated if we can borrow ebooks in the UK, mind you I have so many unread books already on my ereader that I maybe don’t need to go down that avenue just yet!
    Happy reading.

    1. Oh, I’m a homebody too! That’s why we took the RV route! Most traveling healthcare professionals just rent an apartment for 3 months and then move but I knew I would not enjoy that. At least this way I’m surrounded by my own things and sleep in my own bed every night!

  4. Ah made me smile the driving around in the RV – reminded me of myself when we were in lockdown and the most excitement I got was driving around the block to keep the battery alive! Libraries are a blessing but sometimes so many good things arrive at once!

  5. You’re very wise to run your RV – my parents’ Range Rover is currently with the local garage because they didn’t run it during the lockdown and not only has the battery run right down, but it has damaged some of the other systems. I hope you’re enjoying The Empire of Gold – I loved it… Have a great week, Jen:))

    1. Oh wow! I think a lot of people will have dead batteries when life returns to something resembling normal. I didn’t realize that more damage could be done. I’m loving The Empire of Gold!

      1. Yes – if the battery runs down on modern cars, with all the electronic gizmos that don’t stop working, then it can mess up other parts too.

        Glad you’re loving The Empire of Gold, too:))

  6. This pandemic is getting so old isn’t it?? Glad you guys were able to extend though- Portland sounds really nice.

    The Long-Lost Home looks nice.

    Have a great week and be well!

    1. We try to focus on the fact that we’re healthy and safe and our loved ones are healthy and safe (*knocks on wood*) and staying close to home and wearing masks helps keep more of us that way. But our travel bug really started itching when we started driving the RV around. That usually signals new adventures in new places! Oregon is a beautiful place to spend six months in, so we’re fortunate that if we’re going to be grounded for a bit, it’s here.

  7. I love the new Overdrive option to skip your turn and keep your place! I’ve been wanting to read that Get Well Soon for awahile. The narrator is Gabra Zackman and I love her. It’s cool that at least if you move you have your own “home” so it’s safer than different hotels.

    Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. I’ve taken advantage of that Overdrive feature a lot since they released it! My friend who recommended Get Well Soon actually recommended the audio version. The ebook was available first so I rolled with it.

  8. The mention of One Day at a Time reminded me that I had started watching that show on Netflix, and somehow got distracted and haven’t finished. That happens to me occasionally. Glad you found something to make you laugh.

    I also like scary things on Netflix, like In the Dark.

    Enjoy your week and your books, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. We get distracted by shiny new shows all the time! I don’t think I’ve heard of In the Dark. I’ll have to look it up.

    1. The pandemic was definitely a big factor in our decision to stay put another few months.

    1. A friend who’s a librarian recommended Get Well Soon to me and she really got that recommendation right. I’m loving it! It’s fascinating to read right now given that it was published a couple of years pre-pandemic.

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