Weekly Update for August 7, 2022

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Weekly Update at Introverted Reader

Welcome to my weekly update for August 7, 2022!

My sister flew home yesterday after a fabulous visit. We all drove the Beartooth Highway on Saturday (we saw mountain goats)!) and then on Sunday my sister and I took off to spend three nights in Yellowstone. I’ve only visited the south loop on my other visits because of weather events, but this time we were able to do the entire figure 8 drive. Woohoo! (The north and northeast entrance roads are still closed so we weren’t able to visit those.) Summer flowers were probably at their peak both on the Beartooth Highway and throughout Yellowstone. They were so beautiful! We had the iconic experience of getting caught in a mercifully brief “bison jam” as a small herd of those ruminants took their time wandering down the road and bringing traffic to a halt. We also stumbled onto Grand Geyser’s eruption. It is predictable but the predicted time is +/- 90 minutes and I am not patient enough to sit for 3 hours waiting for it. We arrived toward the end of the window and only waited about 30 minutes or so. It’s taller and lasts longer than Old Faithful. Very impressive!

One of my good friends was supposed to fly in for a weeklong visit the same day that my sister left but some things came up so she had to cancel. ☹️


  • View from the Beartooth Highway
  • Lupine Blooming beside the Beartooth Highway
  • Mountain Goats on the Beartooth Highway
  • Mammoth Hot Springs
  • Bison Jam
  • Grand Geyser

All images © Jennifer G. at Introverted Reader 2022

  1. View from the Beartooth Highway. You might be able to see the road snaking down the mountainside.
  2. Lupine blooming beside the Beartooth Highway
  3. Mountain goats on the Beartooth Highway
  4. Mammoth Hot Springs
  5. Bison jam. Everyone stayed in their cars, tried to give the animals space, and mostly kept moving, surprisingly enough. I had my phone out the window while the cars in front of me were stopped but pulled it in and rolled up the window after taking this picture.
  6. Grand Geyser


Ten Books that Awaken My Travel Bug

Books That Awaken My Travel Bug


I have an affiliate relationship with Malaprop’s Bookstore/Cafe in beautiful Asheville, NC. I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you if you purchase merchandise through links on my site. 

Hench (Hench #1) by Natalie Zina Walschots, read by Alex McKenna 🌟🌟🌟🌟

The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking) by Katie Mack 🌟🌟🌟🌟

700 Sundays by Billy Crystal 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Currently Reading:

A River Runs Through It and Other Stories by Norman Maclean

Best Kept Secret (Clifton Chronicles #3) by Jeffrey Archer, read by Alex Jennings and Emilia Fox

Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution by Elie Mystal

Up Next:

I’m trying to sort through some of the seemingly infinite pictures I’ve taken while we’ve been in Montana so I’m going to try to slow my reading down and work on that. I’m on the waitlist for Case Histories by Kate Atkinson so if my turn comes up, I will get started on it.

What did your week look like?


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz hosts The Sunday Salon and Kimberly at Caffeinated Book Reviewer hosts Sunday Post. Kathryn at Book Date hosts It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

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  1. I’m pretty sure I couldn’t sit and wait 90 minutes for the Grand Geyser’s eruption, so I’m glad you were able to experience that moment in only 30 minutes. We’ve been at the front of the line (in Custer State Park) for a bison “jam.” Pretty neat to watch, but we were quick to roll up our windows when they got too close. Actually, there was a guy on a motorcycle right in front of us. He looked pretty nervous and eventually turned around and rode off… very, very slowly. 😉

    Oooh, I want to see Mountain Goats! Maybe next month in Montana?? BTW, how are the mosquitoes in Montana? Should I go ahead and buy a Thermacell or hold off on it? We just went through the RV to see what we have bought over the past 5 years that we never use. Always looking to lighten our load!

    Did you know that Rinker Buck has a new book? It’s called Life on the Mississippi. I’ve ordered a copy for my husband since he loved The Oregon Trail.

    1. Bugs love me so I asked my husband for his more reasonable opinion 😄 He thinks you’ll need a Thermacell. Mosquitos aren’t bad here in the plains around Billings but they’re pretty vicious when we’ve been in wooded areas around Yellowstone and Bozeman. He thinks they’ll probably be bad near Glacier too.

      I didn’t know about Rinker Buck’s new book. Thanks for letting me know!

  2. Love the slideshow and your top ten travel-bug books! I haven’t joined in on Top Ten Tuesday in ages. 🙁 Too bad about the visit from your friend having to be canceled. Hope it can be rescheduled!
    I just finished The Clifton Chronicles on audio, and am considering trying one of the William Warwick books. (I just had to look up the spelling, because I thought the detective character’s name is pronounced “Warrick” on the audio.)

  3. What a wonderful experience you shared with your sister and I love your photos! Nice selection of books. Eat Pray Love is on my TBR list. Have a great week! 🙂

  4. Great photos, great trip. The Oregon Trail always fascinates me, although I’d never want to have done it. One day I’d like to read the Jeffrey Archer series.

  5. I love the bison jam! Your photos really make me want to visit Yellowstone; I can’t believe I’ve never been there.

  6. I’ve been waning to read Allow Me to Retort ever since I heard the author interviewed on The New Abnormal podcast. He’s smart AND hilarious!
    Happy reading! Enjoy your week!

  7. Sounds like a good week, even if the visit with your friend had to be cancelled. Love your photos—lupine is a favorite of mine, and the bison jam sounds like a highly unique reason to be stuck on the road!

  8. Amazing photos once again, thanks for sharing! It’s amazing how much traveling you get to do. Glad you enjoyed your visit with your sister, sorry your friend had to cancel. Have a great week!

  9. Oh my gosh I love those bison just trundling down the road! Sounds like a fun trip. And ooh The Oregon Trail looks good. I like books that shed light on the westward expansion.

    Mayle’s books- I saw those on a blog somewhere, or maybe it was a walking tour video, not sure- anyway they were mentioned and so was Tuscan Sun. Makes me want to look at those as well. 🙂

  10. Hi there Jen!

    I’m so glad to hear you had such a great time with your sister. I remember you talking about visiting Yellowstone once before, glad you got the opportunity to go again and that geyser must have been stunning!

    I still want to read The Clifford Chronicles, I’ve read one of the spin-offs and enjoyed it a lot.

    Have a good week Jen and happy reading.

    Elza Reads

  11. I love love love your travel photos. We are bummed our trip west didn’t pan out and I am living vicariously through you 🙂 Great travel books – I have read four on your list and thanks for bringing Educating Alice to my attention.

  12. I’m so glad you got to go to Yellowstone. Thank you for sharing your adventures there. It’s hard for me to pick between Paris and Yellowstone for the title of My Favorite Place on Earth.

    When you are in a place like Montana, you just can’t stop taking photos. It’s such a magnificent spot.

    I like the sound of Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution. And I like it that you rated The End of Everything so highly.

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