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Welcome to my weekly update for April 3, 2022!
We had a nice visit with my husband’s parents last weekend and then my sister came down to visit this weekend. As I write this on Friday afternoon, she’s working from our RV so we haven’t gone out to explore yet. I have some ideas for things to do but the Cooper River Bridge Run is tomorrow, so we’ll probably mostly try to avoid the crowds.
Nothing. I love having so many visitors but I’m really off my blogging game.
I have an affiliate relationship with Malaprop’s Bookstore/Cafe in beautiful Asheville, NC. I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you if you purchase merchandise through links on my site.

Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law by Mary Roach
The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story, created by Nikole Hannah-Jones
Currently Reading:

When Ghosts Come Home by Wiley Cash
The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera, read by Frankie Corzo
Toward a Better Life: America’s New Immigrants in Their Own Words—From Ellis Island to the Present by Peter Morton Coan
The Columbia Anthology of American Poetry, edited by Jay Parini
Up Next:
We have a lot of stuff to juggle over the next five weeks so my reading and blogging is going to get even more sporadic. I’ll do what I can though. I miss checking in with all of you!
What did your week look like?
Deb Nance at Readerbuzz hosts The Sunday Salon and Kimberly at Caffeinated Book Reviewer hosts Sunday Post. Kathryn at Book Date hosts It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
I hope you enjoy your books and your week. I have read Wiley Cash, so I’m curious about that book. Thanks for sharing.
The Wiley Cash is good so far.
I’m glad I’m not the only one struggling to keep up the blogging with all the busyness of other stuff, including spending time with family and friends! Kinda got used to NOT doing that! haha
I stayed up late last night because I hadn’t gotten a Monday post up for yet another week. I’m going to be on vacation next week and hope to get a lot of reading in, at least!
Audiobooks mean that I’m getting plenty of “reading” in. I hope you have a great vacation!
Sometimes real life takes over reading and blogging, but when you can you’ll get back to it. Nice to be with people!!
It is nice to see all our friends and family consistently again!
I liked but didn’t love Fuzz. I wanted to love it.
I’m interested in reading the 1619 Project but it’s size is a bit daunting for me.
I’m not getting much reading done while I’m here in Paris. Oh well. We’ll have time to read when everyone has gone home and we are back at home.
It’s Paris–you should be enjoying the sights! You will definitely have time to read when you get back home.
The 1619 Project was good but it was too long for me. I think if you buy your own copy and take your time with it, say an essay a week, it would be better. But it was just a bit too much as a library book that I felt pressure to finish quickly.
I think I liked Fuzz a bit more than you did but it is my least favorite of the 3 Mary Roach books I’ve read (Stiff, Gulp, and Fuzz).
I’ve been busy here in Paris and I haven’t had much time to read either. Oh well, we can always read when we are home and alone.
I thought Fuzz was good but not great. I am interested in looking for the 1619 Project. It’s a big daunting in size.
Sometimes life does get in the way of reading and blogging. Enjoy! Come see my week here. Happy reading!
Yet so many of book bloggers manage to post and comment so consistently. I admire your dedication!
Both of the books you read are on my TBR list, so I hope you liked them! Enjoy your visit with your sister!
I can’t say that I loved Fuzz and The 1619 Project but I definitely liked them. I hope you do too when you read them!
When Ghosts Come Home sounds good!
Wishing you a great reading week
I’ve liked the other two books I’ve read by Wiley Cash and this one is off to a good start.
I hope life slows down for you soon. Although I’m impressed at four books at once. The best I can manage is two, and then only if one is audio (which I did see in your stack).
I usually have one fiction, one nonfiction, and one audio on the go. I’ve added a poetry collection into the mix recently too. They’re all different enough that it works for me.
I have the new Wiley Cash book, too. I’m eager to read it, but have several others to read first.
How much longer before you head out again in the RV? Are you beginning to get anxious to get back out and discover a new spot?
We’re so used to moving every three months that we’ve been itching to get on the road again for a while now. We’re taking our RV in to get the flooring replaced (thankfully, Entegra/Jayco is covering the cost) because the glue has leached up through the linoleum and left terrible yellow and rust-colored spots everywhere. That happens this weekend, then we’ll be in an Extended Stay hotel for a couple of weeks while it’s getting worked on and my husband finishes his contract out. Then home for a week or so and on to the next adventure! Busy times ahead!
That’s great that Jayco is covering the cost of the repairs. Our warranty has expired, but we do have an extended for another year or two. Funny about staying in a hotel. We have gotten so used to RV life that staying in a hotel is not a whole lot of fun anymore. We miss our creature comforts in our RV (a mattress that we’re used to, our own pillows, our own coffee set-up, no doors slamming as people leave at 5 am, etc.). I guess this is a good reminder that while it takes longer to get from Point A to Point B, RV travel is what we prefer. I’ll be eager to find out where your next contract takes you!
Our warranty expired too but this glue issue has been so widespread, they’re taking care of it as a “goodwill” gesture. I appreciate it but suspect it’s a way of avoiding a recall or lawsuit. Either way, I’m happy they’re stepping up and doing the right thing.
We do like hotels on our weekend trips because we like those long, hot showers! But we’re always happy to get back to our own things. We aren’t terribly excited about 2 weeks in an extended stay, but we’re going to get several other things repaired/replaced on our RV so hopefully we don’t have to do this again for a while.
I have THE LAST CUENTISTA on a suspended hold as an audiobook so that we can listen to it on our road trip this summer. Have a great week!
I just finished The Last Cuentista yesterday and it was really good, especially on audio! I hope you enjoy it on your road trip!
I’ve been off my game too, for the firrt three months of this year I’ve hardly been posting. what’s wrong with me lol? Hope you guys have a nice visit and get to do fun things!
All your books are new to me. I hope you have a great week!
oh I really want to hear what you think about the Wiley Cash book. That one has really stayed with me. I might like to read the 1619 project.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Have you read any of Cash’s other books? I really enjoyed The Last Ballad and This Dark Road to Mercy. I own A Land More Kind Than Home but haven’t read it yet.
It does feel strange when reading and blogging take a back seat to other things, but it sounds like you’re having a wonderful time with visitors, which is fantastic. The 1619 Project is a book I’d like to read for sure.
I have seen on Instagram that you’re having a great trip visiting old friends yourself!
I think you would like The 1619 Project.