Top Ten Book Settings

Ten Favorite Book Settings

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Top Ten Tuesday

Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl invited us to share our top ten book settings this week. I chose a mixture of fantasy and real-world locations. Let’s go exploring!

Ten Favorite Book Settings

I have an affiliate relationship with Malaprop’s Bookstore/Cafe in beautiful Asheville, NC. I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you if you purchase merchandise through links on my site.

Prince Edward Island–I’ve loved Prince Edward Island ever since the first time I read Anne of Green Gables over 30 years ago. I was fortunate to visit in 2019 and it was everything I expected! I’ll write a post about it someday.

Narnia–Don’t we all want to see the lamp post in the snow (but without the White Witch)? I’d also love to sail on the Dawn Treader.

Newford–Charles de Lint was my favorite author for a long time in my teens and twenties, largely because of his Newford books. This fictional North American city has magic around every corner. I want to visit Katherine’s Cafe, St. Paul’s Cathedral, The Tombs, and more neighborhoods and haunts that I can’t even think of right now.

Hogwarts–I’d love to ride the train then explore every nook and cranny of Hogwarts Castle, the Forbidden Forest, and the other grounds. I think I might get lost on the moving stairways though!

Appalachia–I was born and raised in the southern Appalachian mountains and I love to support local authors. We have an abundance of incredibly talented writers. The books they write feel like home.

Serendipity–I’ve collected these children’s books since I was five years old. I’d love to explore the shores of this mythical island, meet all the creatures, and learn gentle lessons alongside them.

The Enchanted Forest–The name is hardly specific and I would probably be happy with any enchanted forest, honestly, but I had Patricia C. Wrede’s forest in mind when I chose this location. Friendly witches, dragons, and cats and princesses who save themselves? Sign me up. I’ll be sure to keep some soapy water nearby to take care of any pesky wizards.

Ingary–I’ll be happy to have even a glance of Howl’s Moving Castle!

Germany–I scrolled through my 5-star books on GoodReads and noticed that a lot of them are set in Germany. Most of them are WWII books.

United Kingdom–I shelve my GoodReads books by country and the number of books on my United Kingdom shelf is second only to the United States.

That’s my list! Have you read any of these? Which books did/would you choose? Link up every Tuesday at That Artsy Reader Girl!

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  1. I’d love to visit Narnia. And yes to the Dawn Treader as well. Reepicheep!!!!

    Prince Edward Island sounds amazing. The Enchanted Forest just as a concept too.

    I haven’t read much Charles de Lint but I LOVED The Cats of Tanglewood Forest (and the art by Charles Vess didn’t hurt either).

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