It’s the last day of Armchair BEA! It’s been great to “meet” so many new-to-me bloggers this week. Thanks to all who have stopped by! Today’s topic: “If you have any burning questions for your fellow participants about book blogging now is the time to ask and if you don’t we’d love for you to […]
Positive Real-Life Bookish Experiences: Armchair BEA
The amazing organizers over at Armchair BEA are asking us to share positive real-life bookish experiences today. Where to start? Since I’ve been blogging, I’ve taken a much more active interest in my local independent bookstore (Malaprops in beautiful downtown Asheville, NC) and all the author events they have going on. We get some very […]
2012 Mid(ish)-Year Review: Armchair BEA
Today is giveaway day at Armchair BEA, so make sure you head on over and try to win some free books and other goodies! Those of us not sponsoring a giveaway are asked to write about our favorite books of 2012. I rarely accept books for review because I have discovered that I hate reading […]
Getting to Know All About You: Armchair BEA
Book Expo America is taking place this week in New York, so you know what that means for us bloggers left at home–it’s Armchair BEA time! We’re kicking the week off with “interviews.” Each blogger is choosing from a list of ten questions and posting the answers on his or her own blog. If you want to read more about your […]
Why You Should Think About Joining Twitter: Armchair BEA
There is a Book Blogger Convention going on today at Book Expo America and I am at least as jealous of the attendees of this event as I am of those grabbing ARCs and meeting authors. Look at these topics they’ll be learning about: Marketing – How to increase your blog stats, Branding, Getting your […]
The Importance of Character: Armchair BEA
With today being the day I host my Character Connection meme, the importance of character started to churn around in my head as I stared at my blank blog post page, desperately trying to think of something to post for Armchair BEA. Like everyone, there are innumerable things that determine whether I enjoy a book, […]
Interview with Charlotte’s Library: Armchair BEA
As part of the ongoing Armchair BEA festivites, I had the pleasure of interviewing Charlotte’s Library. I love the answers she gave to my questions, so please read on, even if your reading taste isn’t similar! Can you please tell my readers a little about your blog? My blog is somewhat specialized–I generally review science […]