Review Link-Up for the 2016 New Narrator Reading Challenge

2016 New Narrator Reading Challenge Button

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Please link your reviews for the 2016 New Narrator Reading Challenge here. Looking for the “rules” or the sign up page? Click here or click on the button.

I’m signing up at the Sounding Board level, 5-6 books. I’ll track my progress here.

Please link to the review and not your blog home page. My suggested format is the title of your blog and then the title of the book in parentheses.

Example: The Introverted Reader (Cinder)

1. ABookandaCupofTea (A Study in Scarlet)
2. Lisa @ A Book and a Cup of Tea (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea)
3. A Book and a Cup of Tea (Miller’s Valley)
4. A Book and a Cup of Tea (Peter Pan)
5. Lisa @ A Book and a Cup of Tea (The Silent Wife)
6. Lisa @ A Book and a Cup of Tea (The House of Secrets)
7. Darlene’s Book Nook (Chasing the Dead)
8. Lisa @ A Book and a Cup of Tea (Watership Down)
9. Lisa @ A Book and a Cup of Tea (The Wind in the Willows)
10. Avid Series Reader (Searching for Paradise in Parker PA)
11. Lisa @ A Book and a Cup of Tea (Lie Still)
12. Lisa @ A Book and a Cup of Tea (The Night Circus)
13. A Book and a Cup of Tea (The Racketeer)
14. Lisa @ A Book and a Cup of Tea (The Luckiest Girl Alive)
15. Darlene’s Book Nook (The Yellow World)
16. Darlene’s Book Nook (Reached)
17. Darlene’s Book Nook (Kissing Christmas Goodbye)
18. Darlene’s Book Nook (Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children)
19. Darlene’s Book Nook (The Haunted)
20. Darlene’s Book Nook (Dearly, Departed)
21. Darlene’s Book Nook (Dearly, Departed)
22. Darlene’s Book Nook (Looking for Alaska)
23. Darlene’s Book Nook (Gone Girl)
24. Darlene’s Book Nook (A Clockwork Orange)
25. Darlene’s Book Nook (Dead Witch Walking)
26. Darlene’s Book Nook (Masque of the Red Death)
27. Darlene’s Book Nook (The Boy in the Striped Pajamas)
28. Darlene’s Book Nook (We Were Liars)
29. Darlene’s Book Nook (A December Bride)
30. Darlene’s Book Nook (The Bean Trees)
31. Darlene’s Book Nook (Dashing Through the Snow)
32. Darlene’s Book Nook (Finding Noel)
33. Darlene’s Book Nook (The Christmas Candle)
34. Darlene’s Book Nook (The Book Thief)

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I have an affiliate relationship with Malaprop’s Bookstore/Cafe in beautiful Asheville, NC. I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you if you purchase merchandise through links on my site.

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