Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there! You are truly special people! I can’t think of a time when my own mom wasn’t there for me. Whether it was just staying up with me all night when I was sick, helping me with homework, taking us to the library weekly, being at every […]
Happy Birthday, Emily!
Happy 12th Birthday, Emily! You are growing up to be a beautiful young woman who is amazingly talented in so many ways. We are always proud of you! Love, Jennifer and Luis Emily is my cousin, and I don’t think she could have gotten a better birthday present than having Duke win the NCAA Championship! […]
April Fool’s Day: Booking Through Thursday
Booking Through Thursday says Since it’s April Fool’s Day, I toyed with different ideas of questions for today. * Who’s your favorite “fool” of a character, and why? * What authors have fooled you? By a trick plot twist? By making you think their book was any good when it wasn’t? * What covers have […]
Reading As Escape? Booking Through Thursday
Suggested by Janet: I’ve seen this quotation in several places lately. It’s from Sven Birkerts’ ‘The Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age’: “To read, when one does so of one’s own free will, is to make a volitional statement, to cast a vote; it is to posit an elsewhere and set […]
Winter Olympics: Booking Through Thursday
You may have noticed–the Winter Olympics are going on. Is that affecting your reading time? Have you read any Olympics-themed books? What do you think about the Olympics in general? Here’s your chance to discuss! I am not a sports fan, but I do enjoy watching the Olympics. My husband and I are ready to […]
Feeling Buried in the Snow
I know all of you who live farther north than I do are going to laugh at this, but I AM SICK OF SNOW. We had 14 inches dropped on us over Friday and Saturday and we were all but shut down. We used to get decent 3-4″ snows pretty regularly here in the mountains […]
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving has never been one of my favorite holidays. I’m a picky eater. I usually end up with macaroni, a roll, sausage balls and pineapple casserole on my plate–until dessert. Then I load up! But it is good to set aside at least one day to really focus on your blessings, and let […]