Posts about Me

Top Ten Tuesday

Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl invited us to share ten posts about ourselves this week. I usually share some personal details in my Weekly Update posts so if you follow those, you know quite a bit about me. But here are some dedicated posts about me. Back to Blogging–I wrote this in 2020 after […]

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Back to Blogging!

Open Sign

Soooo…. Hi? IntrovertedJen here. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Almost four years to be exact. I can’t believe it! I blogged as The Introverted Reader from 2009 – 2016 but I lost that domain in 2017. That’s a long story about a lack of communication on my hosting company’s part and my own oversight, Continue Reading…

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Suicide Prevention

I’ve struggled with whether to write this post about suicide prevention. If you’ve been around long, I’m sure you’ve noticed I don’t write many personal things. I’m a private person. The few posts I have written have been fun little stories, nothing serious at all. But I feel this needs to be shared, just in Continue Reading…

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