Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher: Book Review

Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher Book Cover

4 Stars. I read quite a few books by Rosamunde Pilcher when I was in my late teens and twenties but I haven’t read much of her work since then. But somehow I stumbled on this title when I was looking for Christmas-y books that weren’t too sentimental. That’s just not my taste. But Rosamunde Pilcher seemed like a safe bet. And […]

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Wake by Rebecca Hall: Book Review

Wake by Rebecca Hall Book Cover

4 Stars. I honestly expected to find more hard facts in the book than I did. But Dr. Hall addresses that. Even when she found records of revolts led by women, they rarely contained more than a first name. So she decided to make “measured use of historical imagination” and fill in the gaps. That’s fair enough, especially since […]

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Hollow City by Ransom Riggs: Book Review

Hollow City by Ransom Riggs Book Cover

3 Stars. I enjoyed the second volume of this series but it didn’t quite grab me the same way the first one did. It’s been years since I read the first one so maybe the time lapse and/or my shifting tastes are to blame. I feel the creepy old photos are incorporated a bit more seamlessly than they were in the first book; however, […]

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Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison: Book Review

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison Book Cover

2 Stars. I imagine that this book is a fantastic choice for a book club or assigned reading but I, as a solo reader, just found it confusing. The plot jumped around with little resolution, characters appeared and disappeared, and I couldn’t find an entry point to understanding it. To be fair, it’s written in an […]

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Other Birds by Sarah Addison Allen: Book Review

Other Birds by Sarah Addison Allen Book Cover

5 Stars. In my zeal to read a new book by Sarah Addison Allen, I found that I had inhaled this book in two sittings. Oops. No savoring the prose here. But a friend had sent me an ARC so I feel the need to write a more reasoned review and I wanted another chance to take my time with the book anyway. So I’ve read this twice within […]

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The Best-Loved Poems of Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis: Book Review

The Best-Loved Poems of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis edited by Caroline Kennedy Book Cover

3.5 Stars. I don’t read a lot of poetry and don’t really feel that I have the tools to review it. All I can say is that I know what I like when I read it. I’m not someone who is going to devote a lot of time to dissecting a poem and wrenching every ounce of meaning from it. I had enough of that in school. I can’t even remember […]

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