Inkheart by Cornelia Funke: Book Review

Meggie Folchart and her father, Mo, find themselves on the run from a mysterious man that Meggie knows only as “Capricorn.” Capricorn is chasing after them, trying to steal a book that they own, and he won’t stop at anything to get it. First off, let me say that I’m about 20 years older than Continue Reading…

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Dreams Made Flesh by Anne Bishop: Book Review

Dreams Made Flesh is a collection of four short stories/novellas centered around Jaenelle and her court. One of the events takes place immediately after the third in the Black Jewels series, so anyone reading this should keep that in mind. It definitely has spoilers for the previous books. My favorite story by far, was “The Continue Reading…

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Fire by Kristin Cashore: Book Review

Fire lives in a country known as the Dells, and she is a human monster. There’s a strain of wildness in the country that leaves some of the animals and people with impossibly seductive beauty and power. Fire is so named because of her hair. She can enter minds and control people and animals. But Continue Reading…

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2nds Challenge

“Have you read a book by an author that you really enjoyed and felt moved to read another of the author’s works? Or are you thinking to give an author another try even if you didn’t like your first taste of their work? If yes, then this challenge is for you! You’re going to go back for seconds of an author that you’ve only read […]

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2011 in Review

I posted my top ten books read in 2011 yesterday, but there’s still quite a bit left to say. Bear with me. The Stats: My goal was to read 75 books. That felt wimpy, but knowing that I had recently started a new job when I was setting my goal for this year, it felt realistic. I do not have any reading time at my current job […]

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The Top Ten Books I Read in 2011

First let me clarify that these are books I read in 2011; I don’t believe any of them were actually published this year. I noticed that I have gotten ridiculously stingy with my 5-star ratings. Four! That’s all I gave out! And two of those were re-reads! I’ll be changing one or two ratings because some books that really stand […]

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