Travis Cornell is a man for whom life has lost all meaning. But on a hike one day, he runs into a golden retriever, somewhat battered, obviously friendly, but determined to protect him from something. Travis, a former member of the elite Delta Force, finds himself running in a blind panic with the dog. He […]
Magic Study by Maria V. Snyder: Book Review
Yelena is now in Sitia, where she meets her long-lost family and starts to learn how to control her magical powers. But life isn’t really any easier for her here than it was in Ixia. Sitians believe she’s a spy from the north, sent to pave the way for the Commander’s takeover of their country. […]
Footsteps in the Dark by Georgette Heyer: Book Review
Peter, Celia, and Margaret have inherited a country estate, complete with an old priory and chapel. The house has been uninhabited for years, but the group, along with Celia’s husband Charles; their aunt Mrs. Bosanquet; and their loyal retainers, move in to have an adventure. They get more adventure than they expected. The locals believe […]
My Thoughts, Your Thoughts: Choosing Audio Books
I turned on my computer tonight for just a few “quick” things. I wanted to comment on some blogs; I wanted to write a review of Fairest, which I just finished listening to on the way home; and I wanted to choose my next audio book. None of these things should take too long, right? […]
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. Posted: I was pretty really slack last week because I was more in the mood for reading than blogging, so all I posted was a Saturdays in the South guest post from Robin Caroll. Head on over and share some of your […]
Author Robin Caroll: Saturdays in the South
Please welcome author Robin Caroll to the blog today! She is the author of Injustice For All, just released in January. She’s posting about something near and dear to Southern hearts–food! As a southern lady, food is very vital to me. It’s part of who we are in the South, as well as the preparation […]
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. Giveaway! Comment on author Michael Hervey’s Guest Post to enter to win one of two copies of his book, Soundkeeper! Posted: Review: Room by Emma Donoghue, read by Michal Friedman, et al. Review: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael […]
Movie Review: The Oscar-Nominated Short Films
My husband and I were trying to find something fun and relatively cheap to do a couple of weekends ago, so we were going through one of our free newspapers looking for ideas. We were intrigued when we saw a review of the Oscar-Nominated Short Films, showing at a local theater. We decided to head […]
Author Michael Hervey: Saturdays in the South and Giveaway!
Please welcome author Michael Hervey to the blog today! His first novel, Soundkeeper, is currently available for Kindle. It will be available as a nook- and iBook by the end of March, and in paperback by the end of April. “They went back outside and Silas locked up the office. Persimmon clouds with cinnamon edges […]
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon: Book Review
Joe Kavalier is a Jew living in Prague just as the Nazis are taking control of the city in the late 1930’s. With the aid of his escape artist teacher, Joe smuggles himself out of the country and all the way to New York City. Joe is just what his cousin, Sam Clay, has been […]
Room by Emma Donoghue: Book Review
Five-year-old Jack has lived his entire life inside Room with his Ma. At night, Old Nick comes to visit while Jack sleeps in Wardrobe. Jack’s life is strictly regimented. Breakfast, Lunch, Phys Ed, TV, and Screaming are at certain times throughout the day. In his world, there’s himself, Ma, and Room and that’s pretty much […]