Room by Emma Donoghue: Book Review

Five-year-old Jack has lived his entire life inside Room with his Ma. At night, Old Nick comes to visit while Jack sleeps in Wardrobe. Jack’s life is strictly regimented. Breakfast, Lunch, Phys Ed, TV, and Screaming are at certain times throughout the day. In his world, there’s himself, Ma, and Room and that’s pretty much Continue Reading…

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It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. Posted: Saturdays in the South featuring Melinda McGuire, author of Josephine: Red Dirt and Whiskey–her post will make you homesick for your younger days Character Connection featuring everyone’s favorite bad boy, Rhett Butler Meeting the Authors: Joshilyn Jackson–always a delight! Review: The Continue Reading…

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