Tally lives in the future, in a world where, at the age of sixteen, everyone is made superhumanly pretty. The thinking is that by leveling the playing field, so to speak, racism, bullying, low self-esteem, and all the negative things that can be associated with personal appearance can be eliminated. But not everyone wants to […]
Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie: Book Review
Minerva Dobbs is a sensible girl. She’s an actuary, the man she’s dating is a sensible choice, and her clothes are sensible and “slimming.” But then there are her shoes. Her shoes hint at the real Min. Her shoes are fun, frivolous concoctions. One night, Min meets Calvin Morrissey in a bar. As she’s heading […]
Ava’s Man by Rick Bragg: Book Review
4 Stars. My uncle has been telling me for–oh, years now, that I just have to read Rick Bragg. I do take his recommendations seriously, but my to-read list is out of control and I’m just now getting to him. How I wish I had listened to my uncle earlier. I will not be waiting years to read more of Bragg’s work, that is for sure […]
Weekly Update for June 18, 2012
Welcome to my weekly update for June 18, 2012! It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. It has been a crazy week! My little sister got married Friday evening, so between wedding prep, keeping her busy and sane, and going out to see The Princess Bride on a big outdoor […]
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde: Book Review
It seems like I run into references to Dorian Gray pretty frequently (Most recently in James Blunt’s song “Tears and Rain“). I decided to pick this up because I was tired of not understanding the references. The Picture of Dorian Gray begins with one of Dorian’s friends, a painter named Basil Hallward, just finishing his […]
The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks: Book Review
Azoth is an 11-year-old boy barely surviving in the streets of Cenaria City. He’s part of a brutal gang of children who will do anything in order to survive. But Azoth wants to do more than survive; he wants a way out of the Warrens and he sees an apprenticeship with master assassin Durzo Blint […]
Santa Olivia by Jacqueline Carey: Book Review
4 Stars. This was not what I expected, but I’m not complaining. I expected more of a science-fictiony werewolf story and that’s not really what this is. The nonhuman? superhuman? other-than-human? side of Loup definitely defines a large part of her life, but it’s not really what drives […]
Weekly Update for June 11, 2012
Welcome to my weekly update for June 11, 2012! It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. It’s been a few weeks since I posted, so I’ll just recap some highlights. Posted […]
Ask the Experts: Armchair BEA
It’s the last day of Armchair BEA! It’s been great to “meet” so many new-to-me bloggers this week. Thanks to all who have stopped by! Today’s topic: “If you have any burning questions for your fellow participants about book blogging now is the time to ask and if you don’t we’d love for you to […]
Character Connection: Karou
Karou, the main character in Laini Taylor’s Daughter of Smoke and Bone, is a 17-year-old girl attending an arts school in Prague. She has funky blue hair; a short and awesomely sarcastic best friend; a beautiful, arrogant ex-boyfriend; amazing artistic ability; and a double life. Karou carries around a sketchbook with her wherever she goes […]
Positive Real-Life Bookish Experiences: Armchair BEA
The amazing organizers over at Armchair BEA are asking us to share positive real-life bookish experiences today. Where to start? Since I’ve been blogging, I’ve taken a much more active interest in my local independent bookstore (Malaprops in beautiful downtown Asheville, NC) and all the author events they have going on. We get some very […]