Azoth is an 11-year-old boy barely surviving in the streets of Cenaria City. He’s part of a brutal gang of children who will do anything in order to survive. But Azoth wants to do more than survive; he wants a way out of the Warrens and he sees an apprenticeship with master assassin Durzo Blint […]
Santa Olivia by Jacqueline Carey: Book Review
4 Stars. This was not what I expected, but I’m not complaining. I expected more of a science-fictiony werewolf story and that’s not really what this is. The nonhuman? superhuman? other-than-human? side of Loup definitely defines a large part of her life, but it’s not really what drives […]
Weekly Update for June 11, 2012
Welcome to my weekly update for June 11, 2012! It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. It’s been a few weeks since I posted, so I’ll just recap some highlights. Posted […]
Ask the Experts: Armchair BEA
It’s the last day of Armchair BEA! It’s been great to “meet” so many new-to-me bloggers this week. Thanks to all who have stopped by! Today’s topic: “If you have any burning questions for your fellow participants about book blogging now is the time to ask and if you don’t we’d love for you to […]
Character Connection: Karou
Karou, the main character in Laini Taylor’s Daughter of Smoke and Bone, is a 17-year-old girl attending an arts school in Prague. She has funky blue hair; a short and awesomely sarcastic best friend; a beautiful, arrogant ex-boyfriend; amazing artistic ability; and a double life. Karou carries around a sketchbook with her wherever she goes […]
Positive Real-Life Bookish Experiences: Armchair BEA
The amazing organizers over at Armchair BEA are asking us to share positive real-life bookish experiences today. Where to start? Since I’ve been blogging, I’ve taken a much more active interest in my local independent bookstore (Malaprops in beautiful downtown Asheville, NC) and all the author events they have going on. We get some very […]
2012 Mid(ish)-Year Review: Armchair BEA
Today is giveaway day at Armchair BEA, so make sure you head on over and try to win some free books and other goodies! Those of us not sponsoring a giveaway are asked to write about our favorite books of 2012. I rarely accept books for review because I have discovered that I hate reading […]
Getting to Know All About You: Armchair BEA
Book Expo America is taking place this week in New York, so you know what that means for us bloggers left at home–it’s Armchair BEA time! We’re kicking the week off with “interviews.” Each blogger is choosing from a list of ten questions and posting the answers on his or her own blog. If you want to read more about your […]
My Thoughts, Your Thoughts: Bonus Material
Do you read the bonus material in a book? There are tons of extras that publishers occasionally see fit to throw into a book. I read most of it but not all and I’m curious how other readers feel. My list and how I feel about them (I do realize that some of these are […]
Still Alice by Lisa Genova: Book Review
Dr. Alice Howland teaches psychology at Harvard. A brilliant researcher and professor, she has a field-changing body of work behind her and looks forward to many years of pursuing her passion. Then she starts noticing serious lapses in her memory. She finally gets scared when she goes out for a run and gets lost a […]
The Arabian Nights: Book Review
For those 2 people who don’t know, The Arabian Nights is sort of a collection of short stories told in Arabia (which seems to include India and parts of China) waaaaaay back in the day. The framework of the story is about a sultan who caught his wife cheating on him. After he has her […]