Fermín Romero de Torres is finally getting married. He’s got one problem though–he’s living under an assumed name. He has absolutely no proof that he legally exists. How is he supposed to get married without all the paperwork to prove that he is whom he says he is? As he explains this to Daniel Sempere, […]
Letters From Home by Kristina McMorris: Book Review
Morgan McClain and his brother are shipping out to Europe in the last year of WWII. They spend their last night in the States at a USO dance where they meet Liz Stephens. Liz and Morgan immediately feel a connection, despite the fact that Liz is practically engaged to someone else. Complicated circumstances arise, as […]
Weekly Update for November 26, 2012
Welcome to my weekly update for November 26, 2012! It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. Posted: The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley, read by Jayne Entwistle Read: Most recently, Letters From Home by Kristina […]
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley: Book Review
4 Stars. I have waited entirely too long to write this review– over a year. But. I absolutely loved this story of brilliant little Flavia de Luce. She is going to be intimidating when she grows up. Wait. What am I talking about? She already is intimidating at the tender age of 11 or so. She’s a brilliant scientist with an […]
Graveminder by Melissa Marr: Book Review
Rebekkah Barrow has left the town of Claysville behind. She keeps in touch with a few people, including her “adopted” grandmother, but otherwise she’s a free spirit roaming the earth. One day she gets a phone call that her grandmother has passed away. She heads back to Claysville for the funeral and learns that her […]
Still Here! Life & Lit
I promise I have not fallen off the face of the earth, although you wouldn’t know it from the look of things around here. My last post was on October 9, so let me think about what I’ve done since then… That was my wedding anniversary (8 years!), so I was out that night. I […]
Drama by John Lithgow: Book Review
In this memoir, Lithgow writes of how his early years shaped him as an actor, from his childhood, to his time at Harvard, to his studies in the UK as a Fulbright scholar, and on to his breakthrough on Broadway and film. I truly enjoyed listening to Lithgow narrate his own personal history. I don’t […]
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. Posted: My thoughts on Banned Books Week Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell: Banned Books Week Review And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell: Banned Books Week Review Scarlett O’Hara: Banned Books Week Character Connection The Wish Giver […]
The Call of the Wild by Jack London: Book Review
Buck is a dog’s dog, in and out of the house, accompanying the masters around at well, and just generally living the good life in California. But when the Alaskan gold rush starts, big dogs are suddenly worth a small fortune because of their ability to pull fully-laden sleds. Buck is furtively sold by one […]
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: Book Review
What’s left of North America has been divided up into 12 districts. Katniss lives in district 12, the poorest district. She’s learned to buck the system and hunt to keep her family alive. But one day something happens that leaves her thinking only of her own survival. I was surprised by how much I liked […]
The Wish Giver by Bill Brittain: Book Review
When The Wish Giver comes to the Coven Tree church social, four townspeople exchange 50 cents each for one wish. They can’t even begin to dream how their wishes will affect their lives. I remember loving this book when I was in about fifth grade. I couldn’t remember a thing about the story but I […]