Singled Out by Andrew Maraniss: Book Review

4 Stars. Glenn Burke played in the 1977 World Series for the Los Angeles Dodgers. He also invented the high five that season. He wasn’t out to the public at that point, but he was also the first openly gay player in Major League Baseball. He was a man who lived his life out loud. When he was angry, everyone around him knew it […]

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The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis: Book Review

The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis Book Cover

3 Stars. The Screwtape Letters is honestly not the kind of book I would choose on my own but it filled a reading challenge prompt, I love Narnia, and one of my old bosses recommended it to me years ago. So my review should be read with that in mind. This just was not the book for me. I’m a fast reader and simply cannot bring […]

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Ten Bookish People I’ve Met

Top Ten Tuesday

Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl invited us to share ten bookish people we’d like to meet this week. I decided to tweak the topic just a bit and write about ten bookish people I’ve met at book signings and festivals. I haven’t been to many book events since the pandemic but before that, I was fortunate to attend quite […]

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Top Ten Books of 2022

Top Ten Books of 2022

My goals for the year were to read 100 books and read less books than I did in 2021 (I have other projects I should be working on instead). I read 109 books in 2022, down from 180 in 2021 so I was successful with both goals! I’ve noted whether links go to my review; if I didn’t write one, the link goes to the Malaprop’s website […]

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Recent Additions to My Book Collection

Books I Received for Christmas

Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl invited us to share “the most recent additions to my book collection” this week. My list doesn’t have ten books, so I’ll just share what did I receive. I Must Betray You by Ruta Sepetys (Signed copy!)–All of Ruta Sepetys’s books are fantastic so I really wanted this one, her most recent. Another […]

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