Off the Shelf Challenge 2013

I’m signing up for the Off the Shelf Reading Challenge hosted at Bookish Ardour again this year. I’m slowly making a dent in my stacks of unread books, although I’m sure my husband can’t see my progress! From Bookish Ardour: About: The Off the Shelf Reading Challenge is probably the most popular challenge there is on BA. The […]

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Top Ten Books Read in 2012

I am literally counting down the minutes to 2013, but I thought I’d throw out one last post for 2012–the obligatory top ten list. I’m too stingy with my 5-star ratings; this is tough to do! I am leaving re-reads out, which makes it even harder. Please note that these are books that I read in 2012, they were not published in […]

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2013 Nonfiction Reading Challenge

The Challenge:  Read any non-fiction book(s), adult or young adult. That’s it. You can choose anything. Memoirs? Yes. History? Yes. Travel? Yes. You get the idea? Absolutely anything that is classified as non-fiction counts for this challenge. I always like levels in my challenges, so here are mine: Dilettante–Read 1-5 non-fiction books Explorer–Read 6-10 Seeker–Read […]

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The Story of Beautiful Girl by Rachel Simon: Book Review

On a dark and stormy night in 1968, a widow is alone at home, as she usually is. She hears a knock on her door. She isn’t expecting anyone, but, these being simpler times in many ways, she answers anyway. A young black man and white woman are outside, drenched, in obvious need of help. […]

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The Inferno by Dante Alighieri: Book Review

To summarize for those who don’t know, this is an epic poem, part of a greater poem called The Divine Comedy. Dante the Poet travels through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise at the behest of his dead true love, Beatrice. His guide for his tour of Hell is the great Roman poet, Virgil. This was tough. […]

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The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall: Book Review

4 Stars. I listened to this ages and ages ago, but I remember that I loved it. I don’t even recall the sisters’ names, but as I listened they each had a distinct personality and I was easily able to differentiate between them. There is no big plot here, it’s just a series of little adventures that these sisters have on their […]

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