Off the Shelf Challenge 2013

I’m signing up for the Off the Shelf Reading Challenge hosted at Bookish Ardour again this year. I’m slowly making a dent in my stacks of unread books, although I’m sure my husband can’t see my progress! From Bookish Ardour: About: The Off the Shelf Reading Challenge is probably the most popular challenge there is on BA. The […]

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Top Ten Books Read in 2012

I am literally counting down the minutes to 2013, but I thought I’d throw out one last post for 2012–the obligatory top ten list. I’m too stingy with my 5-star ratings; this is tough to do! I am leaving re-reads out, which makes it even harder. Please note that these are books that I read in 2012, they were not published in […]

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2013 Nonfiction Reading Challenge

The Challenge:  Read any non-fiction book(s), adult or young adult. That’s it. You can choose anything. Memoirs? Yes. History? Yes. Travel? Yes. You get the idea? Absolutely anything that is classified as non-fiction counts for this challenge. I always like levels in my challenges, so here are mine: Dilettante–Read 1-5 non-fiction books Explorer–Read 6-10 Seeker–Read Continue Reading…

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