This is the challenge sign-up page. Please link your reviews here. I’m sure I’m behind as usual, but it’s time for the 2015 Books in Translation Reading Challenge signup! The goal is obviously to read translations of books, from any language into the language(s) you’re comfortable reading in; they don’t have to be in English. […]
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. It’s been a few weeks since I posted, but here goes. Posted: Review: Walden; or, Life in the Woods by Henry David Thoreau–2 Stars Happy Thanksgiving! (Including some books I’m thankful for) Winner of my five-year blogiversary giveaway–Alejandra C! Congratulations! Read: The […]
Happy Thanksgiving! Today is Thanksgiving here in the US, a day that is supposed to be dedicated to reflecting on our many blessings and feeling grateful for them. That’s sadly starting to get a bit lost in the rush of the huge Thanksgiving meal and the ever-earlier kickoff to the Christmas shopping season though. In the […]
Walden by Henry David Thoreau: Book Review
Soooooo……..yeah. I just rated Walden, one of the great American classics, two stars. That probably says more about me than it does about the book, doesn’t it? Don’t answer that. But here’s the thing–well, a few things. 1. I’m not generally an abstract ideas kind of person. I like narrative and stories and characters that […]
Weekly Update for November 24, 2014
Welcome to my weekly update for November 24, 2014! It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. My five-year blogiversary was last Sunday and I completely forgot! I can’t believe it’s been so long already! Posted Five-Year Blogiversary Giveaway! (International) This I Believe, edited by Jay Allison and Dan Gediman: […]
This I Believe, edited by Jay Allison: Book Review
In a collection of short essays, men and women from all walks of life share their defining beliefs. I listen to NPR in between audiobook downloads but I seem to only be in the car for the news and Marketplace, so I’ve never heard any of these essays. I enjoyed them immensely. Ranging from funny […]
Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen: Book Review
3 Stars. When I first read this, I thought it was another solid four-star book from Sarah Addison Allen. But now that months have passed, it’s faded away and I’m only left feeling that it was a decent entry in her body of work. I’m bumping it back to three stars. Devin may have been my favorite character. She’s a bright child […]
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. Posted: Review: Dreadnought by Cherie Priest, read by Kate Reading–4 Stars Review: The Bat by Jo Nesbø, read by John Lee–1 Star 2014 One Book, One South hosted by the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance–I won’t have time to join in but maybe […]
The Bat by Jo Nesbø: Book Review
Norwegian Inspector Harry Hole is sent to Australia as something of a consultant/observer in the investigation of the murder of a Norwegian woman. Based on this, the first book in the series and my first Harry Hole book, I’m not clear why these are so popular. I can only assume they get better. Maybe it […]
Dreadnought by Cherie Priest: Book Review
Mercy Lynch is a nurse in the Civil War, which has been lingering on for decades. Like many people, she has torn loyalties. She’s a nurse for the Confederacy but her husband is a soldier in the Union. Shortly after she receives word that he died in a POW camp, she receives a telegram notifying […]
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. I start to think that I’m getting caught back up after returning from vacation and then I remember that we still haven’t sorted through our pictures and I need to start thinking about Christmas soon. Bear with me. Posted: Nothing. Read: Sorcery […]