I hate to say it, but 2014 was by and large just an average reading year for me. I read a lot of books I liked, some of them quite a lot, but I didn’t actually rate anything five stars. I’m not sure what that means. Is my taste changing and my book choices aren’t […]
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. Posted: Meeting the Authors: Kate DiCamillo Meeting the Authors: Rick Bragg Movie Review: The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies–2 Stars I also posted my sign-ups for the Eclectic Reader Challenge, European Reading Challenge, and Banned Books Challenge. Read: Maus: A […]
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Movie Review
My husband and I went to see the new Hobbit movie Saturday night. It’s been 20+ years since I read the book so I haven’t been plagued with the urge to compare it to the movies, which has been pretty nice. I’ve been able to just sit back and enjoy the spectacle. Then we got […]
2015 Banned Books Challenge
I’m signing up for the Banned Books Challenge hosted at Buckling Bookshelves again. Obviously, the idea is to read banned or challenged books. I always read several for Banned Books Week anyway, so this is a natural fit for me. For more information or to sign up yourself, visit Buckling Bookshelves. I’m signing up as […]
2015 European Reading Challenge
I’m signing up for the European Reading Challenge hosted at Rose City Reader again. The gist: The idea is to read books by European authors or books set in European countries (no matter where the author comes from). The books can be anything – novels, short stories, memoirs, travel guides, cookbooks, biography, poetry, or any […]
Rick Bragg: Meeting the Authors
Yet again, I have no pictures. Rick Bragg came to speak about his new book, Jerry Lee Lewis: His Own Story at Malaprop’s recently. I personally am not interested in Jerry Lee Lewis but I knew I had to go see Rick Bragg. I fell in love with his work when I read Ava’s Man. What an experience! Ron Rash introduced Rick Bragg and a […]
2015 Eclectic Reader Challenge
Shelleyrae at Book’d Out is hosting the Eclectic Reader Challenge again for 2015. The goal is to read 12 books across a variety of genres and expose ourselves to some books we might not have found otherwise. The categories this year are Some of these (Retellings, middle grade, before I was born) will be pretty […]
Meeting the Authors: Kate DiCamillo
Kate DiCamillo came to Spellbound Children’s Bookshop, another local bookstore, recently. The space was packed with parents and children! It’s hard to say which group was most excited. I’m terrible about taking pictures at these things so I don’t have any to share. But Ms. DiCamillo was very kind and gracious and pretty funny. She […]
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and/or happy holiday and/or good week! I know I did. Posted: I posted the sign up pages for the three challenges I host. I try to keep my challenges attainable so you can read only […]
2015 Southern Literature Reading Challenge Review Links
Please link your reviews for the Southern Literature Reading Challenge 2015 here. I’m signing up at the Sweet Iced Tea level, 4-5 books. My progress: Update as of January 1, 2016: This challenge is complete! I met my goal of 3-5 books read. I need to work on reviewing more of them though. Thanks for […]
2015 Southern Literature Reading Challenge
This is the sign-up page. Please link your reviews here. I’m hosting the Southern Literature Reading Challenge again this year. I love reading Southern Literature and I hope you do too! The rules: Read a book(s)–non-fiction or fiction of any genre, for any age group–written by an author from the South and set mostly in […]