Weekly Update for June 15, 2015

Welcome to my weekly update for June 15, 2015! It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. She’s taking a bit of personal leave so I’m also linking to Kimberly at Caffeinated Book Reviewer. So, yeah. I’ve been busy with stuff and my blog has been more shamelessly neglected than usual. Sorry about […]

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Suicide Prevention

I’ve struggled with whether to write this post about suicide prevention. If you’ve been around long, I’m sure you’ve noticed I don’t write many personal things. I’m a private person. The few posts I have written have been fun little stories, nothing serious at all. But I feel this needs to be shared, just in Continue Reading…

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Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman: Book Review

Reviewed September 7, 2009 Busy week + training + overtime=forgettable review. Sorry, guys. These stories/poetry were pretty dark. But then it’s been a while since I read any Gaiman, so maybe I’ve just forgotten how dark he can be. I would really put this on a dark fantasy/horror lite shelf, but that’s fine by me. Continue Reading…

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Weekly Update for February 9, 2015

Welcome to my weekly update for February 9, 2015! It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. We had a beautiful weekend! 60-65 degree temperatures and blue, sunny skies. That’s practically unheard of for early February here! I was busy yesterday and didn’t get to enjoy much of it but today my […]

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