Circe by Madeline Miller: Book Review

Circe by Madeline Miller Book Cover

4.5 Stars. Circe is every woman who has been treated as “less than” because of her gender. As a child, she accepts that everyone overlooks her. She’s not as beautiful as the other nymphs, so why would anyone pay attention to her? She’s starved for attention though, and makes some terrible decisions. But those decisions lead […]

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The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey: Book Review

The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey Book Cover

4 Stars. I enjoyed this but as a woman who has chosen not to have children, I don’t think it speaks to me the same way it speaks to mothers or those who long to hold little ones in their arms. But even I found Mabel and Jack’s plight heartbreaking and rushed to find out exactly what was going on with the little snow girl. Was […]

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Top Ten Audiobooks for Younger Readers

Top 10 Audiobooks for Younger Readers

Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl invited us to share the “books I meant to read in 2020 but didn’t get to.” If you’ve been around my blog for any amount of time, you’ll know that I’m a mood reader and make very few bookish plans. So that means I’m posting my own list again this week. I shared my Top Ten Adult Audiobooks a couple […]

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Goldie Vance Volume Two by Hope Larson: Book Review

Goldie Vance Volume Two by Hope Larson Book Cover

4 Stars. Volume Two was still a strong entry in this series but it didn’t charm me quite as completely as the first collection did. I enjoyed reading a bit more about Goldie’s mom but Goldie herself came across as a bit of an attention-seeker and a brat this time around. It wasn’t enough to completely turn me off but it was a […

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Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline: Book Review

Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline Book Cover

3 Stars. While I did enjoy Ready Player Two, my expectations were so high from Ready Player One that it was almost guaranteed to be a bit of a letdown. I still loved all the ’80s Easter eggs that I identified but this older Wade isn’t quite as engaging. He’s still a major geek but his absolute resistance to listening to others’ […]

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Top Ten Adult Audiobooks

Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl invited us to share our most-anticipated releases for the first half of 2021. I’m not very good at tracking new releases so I’m going off on my own tangent. Lexlingua asked me recently which audiobooks are my favorite of all time so this seems like a good week to answer her question! I had such a […]

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