They Better Call Me Sugar by Sugar Rodgers: Book Review

4 Stars. I am not a sports fan. Oh, I have some idea how the Dolphins are doing in football because my husband is a loyal, if frustrated and heartbroken, fan, but I only know the biggest of the big names in sports. Unfortunately, those names are always male. Needless to say, I had never heard of Sugar Rodgers but she’s certainly a force […]

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The Annotated Classic Fairy Tales: Book Review

4 Stars. I love retold fairy tales but don’t often go back to the original sources. This was a nice refresher and even an introduction to some classic European tales. Some annotations and introductions were more helpful than others, as is always the case with these kinds of books. I would have been perfectly happy if any contributions […]

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Ten Anticipated Book Releases in Early 2022

Ten Anticipated Book Releases in Early 2022

Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl invited us to share ten “2021 Releases I Was Excited to Read But Didn’t Get To.” Out of the ten I was looking forward to in June, I’ve only read two so far (The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix and Gilded by Marissa Meyer). Oops. I’ll share my top ten anticipated book releases in early […]

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