The Preservationist by David Maine: Book Review

4 Stars. I’ve known this story for my entire life but this take felt fresh enough to keep my interest. I just re-read the King James version and I appreciate the way that Maine wove together the bare bones of an epic tale into something that feels more human somehow. Even with the visions and miracles, Noe and company felt like […]

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The Invention of Nature by Andrea Wulf: Book Review

3.5 Stars. I have to admit that I’m one of those who have never heard of Humboldt; or, if he was ever mentioned in my classes, I’ve completely forgotten him. And that’s a shame because the man was so right about so very many things. He was brilliant and brought together many scientific disciplines in his theories in a time when scientists […]

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Ten Dynamic Duos

Ten Dynamic Duos

Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl invited us to share our top ten “dynamic duos” this week. I can think of a few ways to interpret this. I decided I didn’t want to feature romantic couples; that’s a post for another day. I decided to feature best friends instead. You know, those ride-or-dies who will do anything for each other. But […]

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