It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

What are you reading on Monday is hosted by J. Kaye’s Book Blog. Last week, I finished: The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore and The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson–Highly, highly recommended I’m currently working on Sent by Margaret Peterson Haddix Up next: Probably […]

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The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson: Book Review

The narrator of The Gargoyle (I’m pretty sure we never learn his name) begins his story with a horrific car crash that leaves him burned beyond recognition. He hasn’t lived the best life: he’s selfish, addicted to drugs, and a porn star. His beautiful, sexy “friends” take one look at him after the accident and […]

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Lamb by Christopher Moore: Book Review

There are roughly 30 years of Jesus’s life that are unaccounted for. Oh, there’s the one story about him teaching in the temple when he was 12, but other than that, he was born and then he started his ministry around the age of 30. Christopher Moore has fun imagining what exactly Jesus–or Joshua, as […]

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The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory: Book Review

The Boleyn Inheritance is the story of Anne of Cleves, Henry VIII’s fourth wife; Jane Boleyn, her lady-in-waiting and Anne Boleyn’s former sister-in-law; and Katherine Howard, a beautiful young maid-in-waiting. By now, Henry is a hugely fat, sick, stinking, paranoid tyrant. These three women try their best to keep him happy and stay safe. I […]

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Under the Dome by Stephen King: Book Review

A giant dome suddenly appears over the town of Chester’s Mill, Maine one beautiful October day, and the townspeople are left to their own devices. That’s a lame synopsis, but I don’t want to give anything more away. What would you do if you were cut off from the rest of the world? Perhaps more […]

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Madapple by Christina Meldrum: Book Review

Aslaug has lived an isolated life with her mother in the woods of Maine. A disturbing story is revealed in alternating chapters. One set of chapters reveals the course of Aslaug’s life in the summer of 2003. The other reveals Aslaug on trial in 2007, for a crime that isn’t even revealed until very late […]

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Year in Review

Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones Book Cover

2009 was a great reading year for me! I finished 134 books! That has to be a record for me, at least since I finished school! I was pretty stingy with the five-star ratings this year, so I think I’ll go ahead and list them all. I think it’s funny that I don’t read that […]

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The Beekeeper’s Apprentice by Laurie R. King: Book Review

“I should have thought it obvious,” I said impatiently, though even at that age I was aware that such things were not obvious to the majority of people. “I see paint on your pocket-handkerchief, and traces on your fingers where you wiped it away. The only reason to mark bees that I can think of […]

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It’s Monday! What are You Reading?

I should have started this meme, hosted by J. Kaye, last week, when I read so many books while the power was out.  This week I’ve been trying to catch up with blog stuff and on GoodReads, and then there was Christmas, so I haven’t gotten much read. Finished: Madapple by Christina Meldrum (review up tonight, […]

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