Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!  Thanksgiving has never been one of my favorite holidays.  I’m a picky eater.  I usually end up with macaroni, a roll, sausage balls and pineapple casserole on my plate–until dessert.  Then I load up!  But it is good to set aside at least one day to really focus on your blessings, and let Continue Reading…

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The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson: Book Review

The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson Book Cover

4 Stars. I enjoyed this one so much more than the first one that I was left wondering if I just read that one at the wrong time or if Larsson really improved that much between one book and the next. Whatever it was, this was way, way better than I expected, and I’m glad it was chosen as one of my groups’ monthly reads. In all […]

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Welcome!  My first post and I have no idea what to write.  I feel like an idiot talking to myself, but I guess I should just pretend that I have an audience eager to read every word I type. 😉 I started this blog because the few book blogs that I follow just look like Continue Reading…

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