Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day to any fathers out there! Let me tell you about my dad. He can best be described by a conversation I had with my neighbor recently. I had been out of town, my parents had stopped by my house to water my plants and check the mail, and my dad and Neighbor […]

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Egypt: Locus Focus

Locus Focus is hosted every Saturday at Shredded Cheddar.  Write a post about your favorite setting and go share your link! Can you imagine Peter Pan without Neverland? Lemuel Gulliver without Lilliput and Brobdingnag? The Pied Piper without Hamelin? A good setting is more than just a backdrop! Join us every Saturday as we write […]

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Crocodile on the Sandbank by Elizabeth Peters: Book Review

Miss Amelia Peabody is a confirmed spinster. Her father died and left her a comfortable inheritance and she has decided to start traveling to those ancient sites they both loved. She acquires the lovely yet troubled Evelyn as a companion in Rome and she sets off to visit Egypt. There, she meets the Emerson brothers. […]

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Daughter of My People by James Kilgo: Book Review

Hart Bonner is the son of a formerly prosperous plantation owner. Jennie Grant is his cousin’s biracial cook. In South Carolina in the early 1900s, she is considered a “Negro” and it is a felony for a white man to have “relations” with her. She and Hart carry on a secret affair for years though. […]

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Look Homeward, Angel by Thomas Wolfe: Book Review

I decided to read this because Thomas Wolfe was from my area and I only had to read one short story of his for an English class. I wanted to see what he was all about. This is basically the slightly fictionalized story of his childhood and young adult years growing up in the mountains […]

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Thumbing Through Thoreau, compiled by Kenny Luck: Book Review

Synopsis from the book’s website. On July 4, 1845, when Henry David Thoreau moved into his cabin on the shores of Walden Pond, he was probably unaware that his abode in the woods, and the impact and influence of that endeavor, would forever echo through time. Thoreau was an uncompromising idealist; an ardent maverick who […]

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