My Favorite Smell: A Bit of Me(me)

Danielle from There’s a Book hosts A Bit of Me(me) every Saturday. Each week she asks us to post the answer to a question designed to help us get to know each other better. This week’s question: What is your favorite smell and why? Does it bring back memories? I’ll admit that I thought this […]

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Skeletons at the Feast by Chris Bohjalian: Book Review

5 Stars. This was absolutely amazing. I just grabbed this at the library because I remembered it was on my to-read list, but I had forgotten what it was about. Once I read the book jacket, I was so excited. I told my husband, “This sounds like a book I can sink my teeth into!” I wasn’t disappointed. The best part about the book […]

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I Can’t Sing: A Bit of Me(me)

A Bit of Me(me) is hosted every Saturday at There’s A Book. Every week, Danielle asks us a question that lets us get to know each other a little better. This week’s question is: What is one thing you are really NOT good at? Oh, man, where do I start?  🙂 I’ll go with the […]

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The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly: Book Review

“Um, and what about ‘happily ever after’?” asked David, a little uncertainly. “What does that mean?” “Eaten quickly,” said Brother Number One. That should give you an idea what you’re up against with this novel. Twelve-year-old David finds himself in a fairytale kingdom one night, but this kingdom isn’t exactly the way he expected it […]

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The Clearing by Heather Davis: Book Review

Amy doesn’t have a whole lot going for her in Seattle. She’s just come out of a disastrous relationship and her friends don’t believe her when she tells them how bad it was for her. She decides to try to get a fresh start by moving in with her great-aunt Mae in a little town […]

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Lumby on the Air by Gail Fraser: Book Review

Pam and Mark Walker are celebrating their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary by inviting their families to stay at their bed-and-breakfast for a week. As in all families, there are some underlying issues that make the prospect of spending a week together a bit…interesting. Luckily, the county fair is in town that week, so everyone has plenty […]

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Duchess of Aquitaine by Margaret Ball: Book Review

This review is full of spoilers if you don’t know anything about Eleanor of Aquitaine. This is (obviously) the story of Eleanor of Aquitaine, from the time of her father’s death to her divorce from whichever King Louis of France (that was never made clear). She plots to become Queen, goes on Crusade, and then […]

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Forbidden Sea by Sheila A. Nielson: Book Review

Adrianne’s father died a few years ago, leaving her and her sister, mother and aunt practically destitute. Adrianne blames herself for the family’s misfortune. She works hard and tries her best to take care of everyone. One night, her younger sister runs out of the house and gets caught in a raging storm. Adrianne goes […]

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