The first volume in Maya Angelou’s autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is not an easy read. It picks up when she’s three and her brother is four and they’re being shipped from California to Arkansas–alone on a train. They live with their paternal grandmother for years. Maya writes poignantly and heart-breakingly, but […]
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller: Book Review
This is the story of Captain Yossarian, who is serving in World War II as a navigator on a bomber based in Italy. Yossarian is caught in a “Catch-22” where he wants to be grounded, but he can only get out of flying more missions if he’s crazy, but if he was crazy, he wouldn’t […]
Banned Books Week: September 25-October 2
I cannot conceive of the fear and small-mindedness that lets people decide that they know what’s best for everyone else. Yes, it’s fear. Fear that a reading class is a thinking class and thinking of course leads to questions. Fear of the world; fear of the unknown; fear of answers that might not fit your […]
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez: Book Review
Fermina Daza and Florentino Ariza fall in love when they’re very young. Ultimately, Fermina chooses to marry Juvenal Urbino, a wealthy, well-respected doctor from a good family. Florentino decides to wait for Dr. Urbino to die so he can renew his pursuit of Fermina. As he waits, he has 622 affairs. The best thing about […]
Yunior de Las Casas: Character Connection
We all have characters we love. Let’s spotlight these fantastic creations! Whether you want to be friends with them or you have a full-blown crush on them, you know you love them and want everyone else to love them too! Most of you will probably post about how much you love each character, but this […]
Guest Post from Robin Spano, author of Dead Politician Society
Today I’m welcoming Robin Spano, author of Dead Politician Society: A Clare Vengel Undercover Novel to the blog! If you’ve spent much time here, you know how much I love great characters. I enjoyed reading Robin’s post about Clare Vengel’s creation! Synopsis from Robin’s site: After the mayor falls down dead in the middle of […]
Changeless by Gail Carriger: Book Review
Alexia Maccon, née Tarrabotti, is awakened one morning by her husband bellowing out orders and questions. He doesn’t take time to answer her questions, but of course she finds out what’s going on later. Something or someone has found a way to completely negate whatever magic makes supernatural beings, well–supernatural. This has London in an […]
Portrait in Sepia by Isabel Allende: Book Review
3 Stars. Even though this novel was written in first person, I felt as if I were watching the story unfold behind glass. I never got pulled into the story completely. I was never particularly interested in Aurora. I was more interested to see what scheme Paulina would come up with next in late-nineteenth century America and […]
My Plans for the Coming Year: Book Blogger Appreciation Week
Friday—Future Treasures We’ve been visiting each other and getting to know each other better…now is your chance to share what you enjoyed about BBAW and also what your blogging goals are for the next year! I have not had time to look at very many Book Blogger Appreciation Week posts this week, but I do […]
A Book That Deserves More Attention: Book Blogger Appreciation Week
Today’s blog topic for Book Blogger Appreciation Week is: Thursday—Forgotten TreasureSure we’ve all read about Freedom and Mockingjay but we likely have a book we wish would get more attention by book bloggers, whether it’s a forgotten classic or under marketed contemporary fiction. This is your chance to tell the community why they should consider […]
Hispanic Heritage Challenge
It just came to my attention over the weekend that September 15-October 15 of every year is celebrated in the US as National Hispanic Heritage Month. According to, “During this time, America celebrates the culture and traditions of U.S. residents who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico and the Spanish-speaking nations of Central America, […]