Don’t you just love larger-than-life characters? The ones who jump off the page and grab you? Whether you love them or hate them, you can’t be indifferent to them. I would love to know about the characters who just won’t leave you! Most of you will probably post about how much you love (or loathe) […]
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson: Book Review
In the interest of avoiding spoilers for the second book, I’ll just say that this picks up immediately after that awful cliffhanger of an ending in The Girl Who Played With Fire. So much has been said that I don’t feel like I have a whole lot more to contribute. I (mostly) raced through the […]
Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly: Book Review
Andi has pretty much hit rock bottom and kept falling. She’s a gifted musician and student, but her younger brother’s death has sent her into a destructive downward spiral. When her mostly-absent father finds out that she’s in danger of flunking out of school, he hauls her off to Paris with him for winter break, […]
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz: Book Review
Oscar Wao is a loser. There’s really no kind way to put it. But it might not be entirely his fault. His family is from the Dominican Republic, where the evil dictator Trujillo held sway for an unbelievable amount of time. Oscar’s family fell into Trujillo’s bad graces way back in the day and they […]
Victor Frankenstein: Character Connection
Don’t you just love larger-than-life characters? The ones who jump off the page and grab you? Whether you love them or hate them, you can’t be indifferent to them. I would love to know about the characters who just won’t leave you! Most of you will probably post about how much you love (or loathe) […]
The Red Umbrella by Christina Diaz Gonzalez: Book Review
Lucía Álvarez is your typical teenage girl. She has a crush on cute Manuel, she and her best friend Ivette are interested in all the latest fashions and movies, and she’s trying to fit in at school. So when Fidel Castro cancels classes, her only thought is enjoying her unexpected freedom. She slowly realizes how […]
The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan: Book Review
Annabeth and the goddess Artemis are missing. Percy, Thalia, and Grover embark on a quest to find them before the winter solstice, just a few days away. Artemis is needed to vote at a meeting of the gods about the Titan issue. And well, Annabeth is Annabeth, and her friends are worried about her. I’ve […]
“Mom Let Me Decide For Myself”: Banned Books Week Guest Post
Today wraps up Banned Books Week. I have to admit that I was a little stumped for something to write. I feel like I’ve said everything I wanted to say with my opinion piece last week. I didn’t want to post more reviews. Staring at my computer screen and the cursor blinking insistently back at […]
A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving: Book Review
3.5 Stars. This came awfully close to being a 3 star read for me. The book just seemed to get longer and longer. It was finally about 100 pages longer than my attention span for the story. But once I got to the end, I realized that everything was essential, even what I thought were tangents. John […]
Atticus Finch: Banned Book Character Connection
We all have characters we love. Let’s spotlight these fantastic creations! Whether you want to be friends with them or you have a full-blown crush on them, you know you love them and want everyone else to love them too! Most of you will probably post about how much you love each character, but this […]
Dust City by Robert Paul Weston: Book Review
I’m taking a break from all my Banned Books Week reviews to post about an excellent book that is being released tomorrow! Check it out! What if the Big Bad Wolf was framed? That’s all the synopsis I want to give, but I’ll give you more. Henry Whelp is a good wolf. He’s never gotten […]