Random Magic by Sasha Soren: Book Review

Professor Random has sneezed Alice right out of Wonderland. He sends young Henry Witherspoon into the book to find her and put her in her place before the world as we know it comes to an end. But Henry accidentally gets sent into the wrong book. Luckily, he meets the unflappable doodle witch, Winnie Flapjack, […]

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Christmas Tales by Charles Dickens: Book Review

I read this for A Christmas Carol but decided to read the rest and see what else Dickens had to say about Christmas. There were a few other little gems, although none were as good as A Christmas Carol, but there were some that I didn’t like at all. A Christmas Carol was a 4 […]

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Annexed by Sharon Dogar: Book Review

In Annexed, author Sharon Dogar imagines what life in the Annex with Anne Frank must have been like for young Peter. We know all about Anne’s thoughts and feelings, but surely Peter needs a chance to tell his side of things too. The novel begins as Peter is dying and looking back on his life, […]

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Off the Shelf Reading Challenge

Bookish Ardour is challenging us to read some of the books we already own. I’m choosing the “Trying” level and aiming low at 15 books. Visit the site to sign up. (Here’s my owned-to-read shelf on GoodReads if you’re curious.) This challenge runs from January 1 – December 31, 2011.  I’ll track my progress here. […]

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Review Policy Change

I have been mulling this over for a while and, much as part of me hates to do it, I have decided not to accept any more books for review. At least for a while. I am too moody a reader to do well with deadlines, and if I don’t give myself a deadline, I […]

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The Classics by Caroline Taggart: Book Review

Do you ever find yourself reading along, and when you come to a reference to ancient Greece or Rome, you start scratching your head? With sort of a, “I think I heard something about that somewhere, but I don’t remember much about it” kind of thought? The Classics:  All You Need to Know, from Zeus’s […]

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