The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale: Book Review

The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale Book Cover

I loved this. I finished it with a huge smile on my face and that contentment that comes from a story well told. It’s like enjoying a feast for the reader’s soul. I had heard so many good things about this book, I went into it with very high expectations. I have to admit that I wasn’t too sure what to think at first. The…

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Wild Orchid by Cameron Dokey: Book Review

3 Stars. This was a decent book, but I have a couple of complaints. I was excited to read a non-Western fairy tale re-telling. While I did enjoy the story, and I really liked Mulan herself, this book stayed a little too faithful to what I know of the legend from the Disney movie. I enjoy re-tellings that add an unusual twist to […]

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It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. Over the past two weeks, I’ve Read: Jack of Kinrowan by Charles de Lint–A very entertaining retelling of a Jack tale that held up well to another re-read The House on Tradd Street by Karen White–Not perfect, but a lot of fun […]

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Sunday Salon: Happy Easter! Happy Easter to all who celebrate! In case you’re wondering after last week’s post, we finally made it home Monday afternoon. I still haven’t caught up! Our hotel did have HBO, so I got to watch the premiere of Game of Thrones and I mostly loved it! As far as I remember, it stayed […]

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Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen: Book Review

Twenty-three-year-old Jacob Jankowski has just lost his parents in a car crash. They had already lost everything in the Great Depression. In a devastating bout of grief, Jacob, a vet school student, walks out of his final exams at Cornell University. He ends up working for a circus as the vet. His boss, August, is […]

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Character Connection

Don’t you just love larger-than-life characters? The ones who jump off the page and grab you? Whether you love them or hate them, you can’t be indifferent to them. I would love to know about the characters who just won’t leave you! Most of you will probably post about how much you love (or loathe) […]

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Jack of Kinrowan by Charles de Lint: Book Review

In Jack the Giant Killer, the first of two novels in this collection, Jacky Rowan has just realized that her life is not going where she wants it to go. She drifts along, refusing to take care of her life and just staying at home doing nothing. She decides to change her life after a […]

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The Sunday Salon: A Game of… Airports?

So here I am in the Tampa airport. I’ve been here for 7 hours because our plane needs repairs. They’ve just announced that it could be another 3 hours and started offering up vouchers for overnight stays. We’re giving up and taking them up on it. We flew down for my brother-in-law’s beach wedding and […]

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A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin: Book Review

Picking up where the first book left off, the Seven Kingdoms are in chaos. There are now three claimants to the Iron Throne and the North has declared something of a war of independence on the rest of the country. This book has almost everything. Treachery, loyalty, conspiracies, conspiracies within conspiracies, turncoats, power plays, twists, […]

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The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop by Lewis Buzbee: Book Review

Lewis Buzbee has worked around books his entire life. He worked at the local bookstore through school, and then he worked as a publisher’s rep, and I can’t even remember what else. This slim, satisfying volume is almost a collection of essays about his thoughts on bookstores, books, readers, and publishing. I believe I was […]

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