The Roar by Emma Clayton: Book Review

In the Earth of the future, an Animal Plague has led humans to destroy most of the planet. The entire population is now crowded behind a wall surrounding the top third of the world. There are no animals, there is very little sunlight unless you’re rich, there isn’t real food to eat, and everyone feels Continue Reading…

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The Lost Days by Rob Reger: Book Review

A very dark, very brilliant girl, probably about twelve- or thirteen-years-old, comes to on a park bench one day. She doesn’t know who she is, where she is, or how she got there. Being resourceful, she sets out to find the answers to these questions and stumbles onto a huge mystery. Strange isn’t the word. Continue Reading…

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Mansfield Park by Jane Austen: Book Review

3 Stars. I liked that Jane Austen was a little more barbed and pointed in this book. I can’t remember any specific examples, but there were a few times when I mentally thought, “Ouch! I can’t believe she wrote that!” It made the book a little more fun. On the other hand, the book was too long and dragged in places. Also, I […]

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