Sarah Addison Allen: Meeting the Author

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Sarah Addison Allen, author of Garden Spells and The Sugar Queen, had a signing at a local bookstore today, so my mom and I braved the cold and the flurries to go see her. We both just love her books, and our reading tastes rarely overlap. She was very sweet, even when we approached her when she’d barely had time to grab a seat and a pen. I was even holding four books because my sister couldn’t be there to get hers signed. Sarah teased me a little about how next time my sister had better be there, but she was very gracious about the stack of books I handed her. Of course I forgot my camera in the car, so I don’t have any pictures to post. I loved the way she signed the books. For Garden Spells, she wrote, “Magically yours,” and for The Sugar Queen, she wrote, “Life is sweet…Eat it up!” Too cute!

I asked my mom if she had anything she wanted to add about getting to meet her. She said “I really enjoyed meeting such a talented local author.”

If you haven’t read either of her books, I highly recommend them. I loved them both for different reasons. It’s been a while since I read Garden Spells, but in my review I wrote “The story is about Sydney learning to accept herself and her heritage and about Claire learning that sometimes you can’t control everything, but taking risks can lead to huge rewards.” The Sugar Queen was about the importance of female friendships and self-acceptance. There’s one character who has a small bit of magic that I would love to have! If you haven’t read both of them, you really should.

Sarah Addison Allen has a new book coming out March 16, The Girl Who Chased the Moon. I’ll be doing a Waiting on Wednesday post about that one pretty soon.

Here’s a fun tidbit from Sarah’s website: “I have my B.A. in Literature, a major I chose because I thought it was amazing that I could get a diploma just for reading fiction. It was like being able to major in eating chocolate.” I think we can all relate to that!

Have you read any of her books? What did you think?

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