Ten Longest Books I’ve Ever Read

Ten Longest Books I've Ever Read

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Top Ten Tuesday

Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl invited us to share ten books I enjoyed but haven’t mentioned on my blog. I don’t know if Jana and I are on the same wavelength or if I subconsciously saw this topic recently, but that’s exactly what I wrote about two weeks ago! Needless to say, I’m going off script. I looked back through old topics and decided to feature the ten longest books I’ve ever read. I think this spoke to me because I just finished one 500+ page book and I’m reading three others that are even longer! Digital downloads, man. They sneak up on you. I’m not including anthologies here.

Ten Longest Books I've Ever Read

I have an affiliate relationship with Malaprop’s Bookstore/Cafe in beautiful Asheville, NC. I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you if you purchase merchandise through links on my site.

The Far Pavilions by M. M. Kaye at 1191 pages

The Stand by Stephen King at 1152 pages

Hawaii by James Michener at 1136 pages

A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire #5) by George R. R. Martin at 1125 pages

It by Stephen King at 1090 pages

Under the Dome by Stephen King at 1074 pages

World Without End (Kingsbridge #2) by Ken Follett at 1014 pages

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke at 1006 pages

The Wise Man’s Fear (The Kingkiller Chronicle #2) by Patrick Rothfuss at 994 pages

A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire #4) by George R. R. Martin at 978 pages

That’s my list! To be honest, I expected all five of the Game of Thrones books to make the list, and I forgot how wordy Stephen King can be. Have you read any of these? What are the longest books you’ve ever read? Link up every Tuesday at That Artsy Reader Girl!

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  1. I haven’t read any of these books, but recently read The Firekeeper’s Daughter, which was long and excellent. My next long read is going to Project Hail Mary.

  2. The one Stephen King book I have read (11/22/63) would make my list, but at 849 pages it wouldn’t make your list! Then again, I tend to avoid long books because they can rarely keep my interest and/or get too heavy to hold. I like them best when they’re broken into chunks, like The Lord of the Rings (which Tolkien had originally wanted to publish as one massive book, I believe).

  3. Wow! I’m duly impressed. I have read some long books, but they’re not my typical choices. I think the longest I’ve read is Ducks, Newburyport, and maybe The Fountainhead. LOTR if you count the entire trilogy, maybe?

  4. Fun post! I’ve read (and enjoyed) The Stand, It, Under the Dome and World Without End. King sure has a lot of chunksters!

  5. I do remember wading through Hawaii and thinking it would never end. However, I read to the last page, so I must have enjoyed it or I wouldn’t have had the endurance. I think I even tackled Tai-Pan by Clavell during my youth.

  6. The Stand and Under the Dome are actually some of only a handful of King books that I would recommend to non-King readers. Would add in a few of his much older titles; I don’t read present day King. I attempted the first Rothfuss book but returned it unfinished. Sometimes it’s my mood and some books should be given a second try.

    1. One of my friends and I have talked about how much King’s writing changed after his accident. I still read his books but I can’t keep up with his output.

      I really like Rothfuss. I consistently stumble over Kvothe’s name, which breaks me out of my reading groove a bit, but I like the story. I just wish he would finish it. Rothfuss and George R. R. Martin must be having a contest to see who can keep their readers waiting the longest.

    1. I thought Gone with the Wind would make my list but it obviously didn’t. I read an old, old copy with a teeny tiny font that practically left me cross-eyed. I think that artificially lowered the page count.

  7. Stephen King is on my list today, too, although for a completely different reasons. His books are seriously long and I haven’t even read the chunkiest of them! I’m not always patient enough for really long books, but I’ve definitely encountered some I’ve really enjoyed. Fun idea for a list!

    Happy TTT!


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