Interview with Nancy from Amusing Reviews: Book Blogger Appreciation Week

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Book Blogger Appreciation Week Button

Today for Book Blogger Appreciation Week, I have the pleasure of interviewing Nancy from Amusing Reviews!

I started blogging 2008 because it involved one of my favorite things to do; writing about myself and my perception of life around me. Somehow, seeing my work on the computer validates me. In my little reality, I trick myself into thinking someone agrees with me. Because I’m that stupid.

Earlier this year, I decided to combine another of my favorite pastimes, reading, and started blogging about books. I discovered that there are two kinds of people; readers and non-readers. Non-readers just don’t get us. Not only that, non-readers can’t stand to NOT irritate the crap out of us readers. They feel the need to engage us in conversation. With the understanding that the non-readers believe us to be freaks of nature, I gave my regular site a sister, and Amusing Reviews was born.

Amusing Reviews Blog Button

What I didn’t understand is that there is an amazing community of book bloggers which validates me further and I have had a blast entering this new world, getting to know some amazing authors who have as warped sense of humor as I do and have turned into dear friends.

My niche is not the kind of books I choose but my explanation of books. I add a lot of myself to my reviews, have no problem giving warnings of inappropriate content (particularly Young Adult fiction), and, I’ll be honest here, I think I am hilarious. I am validated in this opinion every time I read one of my posts and laugh at myself.

Lest you think I’m completely crazy, let me assure you that I have diagnosed my disorders many times. I have a master’s degree in psychology and work as a high school counselor for a local school district. I have four incredibly self-sufficient and neglected children and one very patient husband.

I have one stupid cat who suffers from separation anxiety when her people are gone for too long. She throws up all over the house. She is also my personal heater as she climbs onto my chest while I read late at night. We also have a stupid dog, a yellow lab, who makes me say bad words when she runs away or digs holes in the yard.

Labrador Puppy
Awww. But who can be mad at a face like that? This is not Nancy’s dog. This 
photo was taken by Eesterle and posted on Wikimedia Commons.

My favorite vacation spot (besides Costco) is Bear Lake. My family goes there every year and I have years of good memories, along with some emergency room stories from our yearly pilgrimage. There’s also a great beach where, after applying copious amounts of sunscreen to the kids, sending them out to play with their cousins, I retreat to a canopy with a good book. I’m apparently 88% albino and do nothing to increase my pigment.

Bear Lake
Photo of Bear Lake taken by Matthew Trump and posted on 
Wikimedia Commons.

Thanks for letting me interview you, Nancy! Be sure to stop by her site, as well as the Book Blogger Appreciation Week site to find other great bloggers being interviewed!

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  1. I came via {A}Musing Reviews as well. I <3 Nancy, almost as much as she does (kidding!) I am her #1 stalker, I mean fan!

    I am going to hang around here as well. I need more books on my to-read list!

  2. Hilarious! I love the opening sentence, "writing about myself". I knew this would be a good read as soon as I saw that, but also there are some lovely comments here of a serious nature. I should consider putting Costco on my dream travel list!

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