Book Crushes on Valentine’s Day

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I thought about trying to write about my favorite couples for Valentine’s Day, but honestly, I don’t pay a whole lot of attention to the actual romantic part of books. I pay more attention to how I feel about a male character than how the women in the book react to him!

So that’s what you’re getting today. Some of my book crushes. Admit it–you have them too.

The first one is a little weird. Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird. Okay, he’s a father figure. But a widowed man raising his children well, with the moral strength to seriously defend a black man in the Jim Crow South? I’m in love.

Papa and Rudy from The Book Thief for pretty much the same reasons I love Atticus. Here’s a spoilery quote that shows why I love Papa. And Rudy–a boy who impersonates his hero, Jesse Owens, in Nazi Germany is going to grow up to be a man that I love.

Odd Thomas from the book of the same name. He’s funny, self-deprecating, heart-broken, loyal, and always doing his best. He might not be a hottie, but he’s got a beautiful heart.

The rest are more frivolous.

The Phouka from Emma Bull’s War for the Oaks. Wow. Playful, protective, fey, and sexy? Sign me up. Willy from the same book is a ball of sex appeal himself.

Jamie from Outlander–There’s a drummer for a Scottish group that I describe as sex on legs. That’s Jamie too.

Finally, there are Rodrigo Belmonte and Ammar ibn-Khairan from The Lions of al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay. I have told my husband, quite seriously, that if Rodrigo and Ammar ever walk out of the pages of that book, he should be very worried. They’re strong, intelligent, attractive, faithful, thinking-soldier types who treat a woman as an equal in a time when women aren’t much more than baby factories. Heck, if I’m being honest I’m probably a little love with Jehane from the same book also. Those three are a fantastic trio of characters that are firmly lodged in my heart, even though they broke it as I read.

There you go–a few of my book crushes. There are more, but those are the first ones to come to mind. Who are your book crushes?

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  1. I'm really late to this party, but hope to participate in some of your Character Connection memes in the future!

    I am with you on Atticus Finch. I loved him when I first read him into my life at 14, and now that I'm a 40-year-old mom, I love him even more!

    Some other big crushes have been Aragorn (particularly as portrayed in The Two Towers) and Prince Andrei in War and Peace.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. My aunt emailed me with her list, and she had some good ones on there, so I have to share:

    "Roland (a gunslinger – 'nuff said) and Eddie from Dark Tower series; William (a mountaineer – also, 'nuff said) from Ice Soldier; Ike from The Descent (literally went to hell and back) and Charlie from A Dirty Job 'cause he made me laugh…"

  3. It's been ages since I read any Outlander books, but Jamie obviously made a lasting impression! Maybe it's the kilt and all that implies…

    I haven't read either of those, booksslicedanddiced, but sensitive and caring sounds great!

    I'm glad you know what I'm talking about Polish Outlander! He is something else, isn't he?

  4. I absolutely agree with you on Atticus (and Rudy! Aww. Now I'm sad).
    Sex on legs, huh? Note to self, read Outlander.
    As for me, I started to write my list, and realized it's ridiculously long, so I'm going to make my own post and link back to you, and tell others to do the same. I'll come back and give you the link.
    Happy ♥ day!

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