Guest Post

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Child with Open Book

My uncle Rick recently emailed me with an idea for a blog post.  I liked what he had to say so much that I asked if I could use his email as a guest post and he agreed.  Check out his reviews on GoodReads. He doesn’t have time to write many, but I am always impressed with how elegantly and quickly he gets his point across.

Anyway, here’s his post!–Jennifer G.

There is this poem that had been on a bookmark handed out at the public library when I was a kid. I loved it so much (really captures the essence of why we read) that I memorized it. Years went by, forgot much of it, the bookmark was lost, searched for the poem, even on the web but never found it. Just did another search and HURRAY several people have now put it on line. You may want to feature it on your blog if it speaks to you the way it did to me.

Books Fall Open

Books fall open,

you fall in,

delighted where

you’ve never been;

Hear voices not once

heard before,

reach world on world

through door on door;

Find unexpected

keys to things

locked up beyond


What might you be,

perhaps become,

because one book

is somewhere? Some

wise delver into

wisdom, wit,

and wherewithal

has written it.

True books will venture,

dare you out,

whisper secrets,

maybe shout

across the gloom to

you in need,

who hanker for

a book to read.

The author turns out to be a Harvard fundraiser, David McCord, who passed away several years ago. You can find his bio on the web. I am SO HAPPY to find this poem again. I love it every bit as much now as I did when I was a kid.

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