Getting to Know All About You: Armchair BEA

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Book Expo America is taking place this week in New York, so you know what that means for us bloggers left at home–it’s Armchair BEA time! We’re kicking the week off with “interviews.” Each blogger is choosing from a list of ten questions and posting the answers on his or her own blog. If you want to read more about your favorite book bloggers, head on over to the Armchair BEA website.

Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you. I’ve only been working out since November but yesterday I did a mud run! If you don’t know what a mud run is, you can watch a video and get the general idea here. It’s basically a 5K with lots of mud and obstacles thrown in. I had a blast! I was on a team of four and we called ourselves The Mud Hatters. We got an honorable mention for most creative team name and I think we probably got an honorable mention for most creative costumes as well; every volunteer commented on my hat and the Cheshire cat’s tail. My sister was on our team and she somehow stayed clean. The rest of us got filthy and loved it! We’re already planning our costumes and name for next year.

What is your favorite feature on your blog (i.e. author interviews, memes, something specific to your blog)? Um, I can’t pick just one. I’ll mention my Character Connection meme first because it’s the oldest. I’ve changed it to a monthly post where I write about some of my favorite characters and invite everyone to join me. We’ve had some very creative posts here, but I do wish it got a little more love! I also love my Southern Lit Reading Challenge and my Saturdays in the South feature. It sometimes feels like Southern authors get overlooked outside our immediate region, so I love doing what I can to spread the word about them! We are born storytellers and that generally translates well to the written word!

Which is your favorite post that you have written that you want everyone to read? One? It’s so hard to choose! My very favorite is my Character Connection post about Captain Frederick Wentworth. I think I pulled off what I wanted quite well.

If you could eat dinner with any author or character, who would it be and why? Jilly Coppercorn from Charles de Lint’s Newford books. She is fascinating. She comes from a horrible childhood, but as an adult she sees magic around every street corner. Literally. She’s caring and compassionate, has a wonderful sense of humor, and I think she can set anyone at ease, which I would need! I would love to hear her stories about magic on the streets of Newford.

Photo taken by Chincyuan and posted on Wikimedia Commons

What literary location would you most like to visit? Why? Easy one. Prince Edward Island. I adore Anne Shirley and I would love to see the island that L. M. Montgomery wrote about so lovingly. I actually wrote a post about it here.

That’s it for me! Don’t forget to stop by Armchair BEA today and check out everyone’s answers!

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  1. I've never heard of a mud run before but it sounds like a blast and congrats on making it through. I wouldn't last 10 minutes. LOL

    Also, your Character Connection feature sounds very interesting. I'll be stopping by to check out your next few. 🙂

  2. I'm on my way over to check out post you linked about Captain Wentworth!! Just stopping by to say hi, and also, I would LOVE to visit Prince Edward Island! I've heard it's lovely 🙂

  3. Ooh PEI is a great answer, and it's a GREAT place. I definitely want to go back because it's so pretty and so charming there.

    Here's my post.

  4. Love the pictures in our header – gorgeous! Gret interview. Hope you're enjoing Armchair BEA

  5. I want to go to PEI, too!!! The Anne of Green Gables series was my favorite as a kid and still ranks high up there today!

    Here's my Armchair BEA Intro Post.

  6. Character CoNnection is an awesome idea. I would love to read those posts and maybe participate. I visited PEI 15 years ago while on a cruise. The tour was mainly to LM Montgomery's home. The place looks like Anne Shirley's home in the books and a lot of the women I saw on the tour were crying; especially the Japanese tourists. The Anne character is one I think all women want to emulate.

  7. Yeah! So glad you decided to join up for Armchair BEA. Character Connection sounds really fun, actually. I'll have to check it out. And oh how I'd love to visit PEI and run into Anne 🙂 Have fun!

  8. You are the 2nd person I've found that mentioned Prince Edward Sound. How did I not realize this place was known for more than just wildlife viewing?! I'm going there in a few weeks, so I'm even more excited about it now. I geek out when I can visit literary locations during a vacation.

    The Flashlight Reader

  9. Love the name you picked for the Mud Run. And this is the 4th place I have seen reference to Jilly in 2 weeks. Looks like the universe wants me to read that series of books.

  10. I'd love to go to Prince Edward Island too!

    Have a great Armchair BEA
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  11. It would be awesome to visit Prince Edward Island, like you I loved Anne as a child, I wanted her to be by best friend. I'm a new follower of your blog 🙂
    My introduction post

  12. I've never heard of a mud run, but it sounds like a blast! 😀 Your costumes also sound so neat and that really is a great name…I'm not too surprised you won best name. 😉 haha

    Character Connection sounds like a really neat feature! I hadn't heard of it until now, but I think I'm definitely going to have to check it out! 😀

    I hope you get the chance to visit PEI one day. It's definitely one of the most beautiful places in Canada…at least if the pictures are any indication. 😉 I've never been, but my parents went there years ago and they absolutely loved it. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself with us. 🙂 It's fantastic to meet you.
    My BEA Introduction Post

  13. Congratulations on your first mud run!
    Great getting to know more about you Jen, hope you will visit my post;

  14. Wow, a mud run huh? I'll maybe put that on my bucket list ;o)

    Mickey @ imabookshark

    Come visit my introduction? Thanks!

  15. The Mud Run sounds like a blast! I have been trying to commit to working out (learning to run, really) but something always seems to come up. I need to get better about that. I also would love to visit Prince Edward Island. I live in Massachusetts, so its not even *that* far, but I've never been.

  16. Good Morning! Welcome to Armchair BEA. It is a pleasure to meet you! Congrats on you Mud Run! That is a huge accomplishment!


  17. Way to go on the mud run! You should be proud since you have only been working out since November! (I am over from the Armchair BEA linky!)

  18. Great to meet you! Prince Edward Island! What an awesome choice!!

    Have fun at ArmchairBEA! See you around! 🙂

  19. I have to admit, I live in the south and hardly read ANY southern authors. *shakes head in shame*

  20. I have to admit, I live in the south and hardly read ANY southern authors. *shakes head in shame*

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