Jasper Fforde’s Miss Havisham: Character Connection

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Character Connection Button

We all have characters we love. Let’s spotlight these fantastic creations! Whether you want to be friends with them or you have a full-blown crush on them, you know you love them and want everyone else to love them too!

Most of you will probably post about how much you love each character, but this is a great place for the more creative ones among you to let go and have fun! Write a love letter to Captain Wentworth. Write yourself into a scene with Anne and Diana. Draw a picture of yourself in Jamie’s arms. The possibilities are endless.

Be sure to post the book’s title and author, and be very careful not to give away spoilers while talking about how much you love your characters.

Mr. Linky will be posted here on The Introverted Reader every Thursday.

Do you have a sense of humor that can at least occasionally be described as quirky?  Do you think it’s cool when characters from the classics are injected into new books in new ways?  Then you should give Jasper Fforde a try if you haven’t already. His books just tickle my funny bone. The first in his Thursday Next series is The Eyre Affair. Miss Havisham doesn’t make an appearance until the next one, Lost in a Good Book.

In Thursday Next’s world, there really is a Book World.  While the Cat formerly known as Cheshire presides over things, characters run about, take vacations in other books, give out awards, and police themselves.  The policing branch is called Jurisfiction.

Lost in a Good Book Book Cover

When she isn’t performing her role in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, Miss Havisham is one of the star operatives of Jurisfiction.  Forget that crazy lady who wanders around her dilapidated house in her wedding dress.  This Miss Havisham is sharp as a tack and “kicking ass and taking names.”

She goes throughout Book World in her sneakers, spreading fear wherever she goes.  Even if you’re innocent of any wrongdoing, Miss Havisham terrifies you because you know she’s got her eye on you.  She boldly tackles any problems that may arise, from kidnapped characters to grammasites.

She and Mr. Toad share a love of high speed races and try to meet for some “friendly” competition occasionally.  Jurisfiction frowns on this kind of thing though, and they’ve been busted more than once.

She does hate men with a passion.  If they haven’t broken a heart or treated a woman wrong, it’s just a matter of time until they do in her opinion.

It’s been so long since I’ve read these books that I’m not doing this character justice.  There is so much word play in this series and so many classical characters acting in unexpected ways, these books are ideal for the bibliophile with the right sense of humor.  Miss Havisham is right in the heart of everything, being true to her essential Dickensian nature but becoming so much more.

I love these covers from foreign editions.  I think they capture the spirit of the book much better than the UK or US versions!

Who did you connect with this week? Write a post and link up! Be sure to visit everyone else’s posts too!

I have an affiliate relationship with IndieBound and Better World Books and will receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase books through links on my site.

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  1. I love Miss Havisham particulary the scene at the Book Sale.
    Fforde's Thurday Next series is one of my favourites

  2. I read the Eyre affair– I remember it being hard to get my bearings at first– once I did I enjoyed it. my librarian friend discarded 3 Thursday Next books from the library and passed them on to me– so no excuse for not reading more of the series except that I forgot about them. I better get to it so I can meet Miss Havisham!

  3. I loved how Miss Havisham was always trying to get Thursday to bring her more batteries for her Walkman! Great series, and fantastic character!

  4. +JMJ+

    I read about Fford yesterday and found myself fascinated. Your Character Connection only tantalises me further! What good, clean postmodern fun! =P

  5. I was just wondering if I could do a post on a character which origingally appeared into a book but the book was adapted and the inspiration for a long TV series. I love the character but have only just heard of the book she first came from (it is on my TBR list.)

    Thanks x

  6. I read one of his books years ago and enjoyed it, so I'm not sure why I haven't picked another one up. I love quirky characters!

  7. I'm new to book blogging and discovered Character Connection on Irena's blog. I love the idea and think it's very unique and different from all the other book blog memes which everyone takes part in.
    Your suggestion of making the post more creative by writing a letter ect. to the character sounds like great fun and just right for me as I love writing and it would make posting all the more interesting. I will definitely take part this week and post the link to the post in the Linky List 🙂

  8. Oh, wow, she sounds incredibly fun and not crazy in the slightest! I had no idea another Miss Havisham existed. Thanks for sharing!

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