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Don’t you just love larger-than-life characters? The ones who jump off the page and grab you? Whether you love them or hate them, you can’t be indifferent to them.
I would love to know about the characters who just won’t leave you! Most of you will probably post about how much you love (or loathe) each character, but this is a great place for the more creative ones among you to let go and have fun! Write yourself into a scene with Anne and Diana. Write a love poem in elvish for Aragorn. Draw a picture of Harry obliterating Voldemort. The possibilities are endless.
Be sure to post the book’s title and author, and be very careful not to give away spoilers while talking about how much you love your characters.
Mr. Linky will be posted here on The Introverted Reader every Thursday.
I promise I will get my blog and work schedule worked out one of these days, but until that happens, I will have to cut and paste from old reviews. Lazy? Yes. But this is an adjustment period for me.
Jacky is an orphan girl living on the streets of London who realizes one day that her life will be short and brutal if she doesn’t do something to change it. So she disguises herself as a boy and hires on to a ship in the Royal Navy. Who doesn’t love a good story about a girl disguised as a boy? From my review of Bloody Jack by L. A. Meyer:
“I loved Jacky! She is such a strong, true female character! I was thrilled to find her in a YA/MG book. She’s not unrealistically tough either. She has her fears, and when she gets scared she starts crying and screeching like a banshee. She admits that she’s not very brave–except that she mostly is. She has her own fears, as we all do, but she does things that most children, or adults for that matter, would be terrified to do. When she finds herself in a tough spot, she doesn’t just give up; she solves her problems the best way she can, and she’s very smart about it. Whether it’s a matter of survival or bullying, nothing fazes Jacky for long.”
Who did you connect with this week? Link your post on Mr. Linky, then be sure to go check out the other Character Connections!
I have yet to read this yet. It's still on my mind but I have to be in the right mood for it. Especially since the last time I tried reading it, I put it down. I'm not a fan of the new covers, even though I'm sure they're trying to entice new readers. For some reason, the illustrated covers just seem to add to her character, based on her description alone!
Jacky sounds great! I like the fact that she reacts naturally when she's afraid – crying and screaming – but still shows bravery.
I really need to read this series! It seems like everyone loves it 🙂