Top Ten Books I Hope Santa Brings

Top Ten Books I Hope Santa Brings

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Top Ten Tuesday

Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl invited us to share the “top ten books I hope Santa brings.” Well. That’s a bit difficult. My husband and I are currently living in our RV while we travel with his job so we don’t have much room for anything other than essentials. I check the vast, vast majority of my books out from the library. We’ll see how I adapt this.

Top Ten Books I Hope Santa Brings

My Bookish Wish List

Literary Listography: My Reading Life in Lists–I stumbled on this diary/journal when I was shopping for stocking stuffers at World Market and added it to my own wish list. I obviously love lists so this is perfect for me. Each page has a prompt like “Favorite Reading Spots” or “Authors to Explore.” It looked like so much fun for reflecting on or tracking your books.

Travel Listography: Exploring the World in Lists–Reading and traveling sort of sum my life up right now so I added this journal to my wish list as well.

The Child “Read: It Is The Way” T-Shirt. I saw this a month or so ago and immediately added it to my list! I squeal like a tween when I see Baby Yoda so pairing him with a book = must have for me.

Books Currently on Hold at My Library

That’s really all the bookish stuff I’ve asked for. I’ll continue with books I’ve requested from the library.

Goldie Vance: Volume Three by Hope Larson

Almost American Girl by Robin Ha (Link to the review at BookWyrm Knits that prompted me to request it)

The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey

The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen (Link to the review at BookWyrm Knits that prompted me to request it)

Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife by Mary Roach

The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living by Meik Wiking

The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

That’s my list! Have you read any of these? Which books do you hope Santa brings? Link up every Tuesday at That Artsy Reader Girl!

I have an affiliate relationship with Malaprop’s Bookstore/Cafe in beautiful Asheville, NC. I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you if you purchase merchandise through links on my site.

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    1. Me too! The wait list is always so long at the library. I kept thinking I would just check it out sometime after the fuss died down instead of using up one of my holds on it but I finally gave up and requested it.

  1. Interesting books. “The Snow Child” and “Literary Listography” are also on my wishlist. “The Handmaid’s Tale” is one of my all time favourites, I’ve read it several times.

    I really loved this week’s subject.

    My TTT.

      1. I have no idea when and where I heard of it but I think it’s a great idea. Hope Santa will bring it to you.

        Merry Christmas.

  2. That T-shirt looks great! I love the idea of the journal. It is here in the back of my mind as well. But let’s first see what Santa brings and then I’ll go and buy one for the new year.

    Hope you get a few lovely surprises under the tree this Christmas!

    Merry Christmas and here’s my wish list: !0 Books I hope Santa brings

  3. I’m a listmaniac too, so those first two books sound awesome. Glad to see Snow Child in here, and I really hope Santa (*ahem) brings that one over for you.

    And totally agreed on The Little Book of Hygge, they have such a charming hardback for this one, would be great to get our grubby hands on it. Merry Christmas in advance, and happy TTT!

  4. I hope you get some of these soon!That Hygge book looks good- I read a similar book not long ago and it wa super interesting.

    Merry Christmas!

  5. Almost American Girl was fantastic! I hope you enjoy that one too. Spook was a really fun one. I plan on reading the Snow Child in January or maybe I’ll start it before New Year’s… And Handmaid’s Tale is not that enjoyable but it is short and well-written and scary!

    I hope you enjoy your holiday reading!

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