Completed Series That I Wish Had More Books

Book Series That I Wish Had More Books

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Top Ten Tuesday

Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl invited us to share ten “completed series that I wish had more books” this week. I am a terrible series finisher. I texted one of my friends that I had just finished the Tristan Strong trilogy this week and recommended that she read it. She replied, “If you actually finished a series it must be good though.” Guilty as charged. So wishing that a series were actually longer is pretty rare for me. But we’ll see what I find.

Completed Book Series that I Wish Were Longer

I have an affiliate relationship with Malaprop’s Bookstore/Cafe in beautiful Asheville, NC. I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you if you purchase merchandise through links on my site.

Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris. I just saw that I never finished this series. That’s so me! I didn’t even know there was a third book. Still, it’s such a cute fairy tale, I can only imagine that I’ll want still more after I finally finish the trilogy.

The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place by Maryrose Wood, read by Katherine Kellgren. Mostly I wish that Ms. Kellgren were still alive to narrate the last book of the series as it currently stands and then narrate future installments. She was my favorite narrator.

The Melendy Family by Elizabeth Enright. This series reminds me of the innocence and timelessness of Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery and The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall but I feel those two series ended at a good place. I feel like the Melendys had more adventures to share.

Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. I’ll add a caveat that I would like another book in this series that mainly focuses on Howl and Sophie. There are two more books in the series but Howl and Sophie are pretty minor characters, as I recall. I’d like to know about their lives.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. I’m pretty happy with this series but I could use more Zuzanna and Mik in my life (Yes, I read Night of Cake and Puppets but I want more!). And let’s be honest–I’d love more of this striking cover art too.

The Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden. This trilogy was so perfectly atmospheric and magical. I think I could read a new book every winter.

Renegades trilogy by Marissa Meyer. Now that all the immediate drama of the trilogy has been resolved, I would love to see how things progress between characters and in this world in the future.

Once Upon a Con by Ashley Poston. I’m shocked that I didn’t think of this one first! I don’t think the author has completely ruled out writing more books in the series but she’s calling it done for now. I really hope she tackles more retellings because these books make me grin from ear to ear.

The Pink Carnation series by Lauren Willig. I’m actually happy with this series but the witty banter always made me laugh. I would happily read more of these books.

All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot. These books are generally so heart-warming. They’re like a hot cup of tea for your soul. I wish Mr. Herriot had been able to share more of his stories with us.

Bonus: There are two very popular epic fantasy series that I wish would just be finished already! I won’t call the authors out since I know they’re tired of everyone asking when they’re going to be done but…when are they going to be done? The last book in each series was published in 2011 for crying out loud!

That’s my list! Have you read any of these? Which series did/would you choose? Link up every Tuesday at That Artsy Reader Girl!

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  1. Yes to Once Upon a Con! I would love to see more fairy tales retold in Poston’s style. Also, I agree with your thoughts on another Howl & Sophie book, too. I recently finished that series, and while I liked book 3 I still wanted more of the main characters I’d already grown to love. Plus, it seemed to me like there was an audience shift from YA to MG after book one? And while I like both kinds of books, all those things combined to me felt like I never really got a Howl sequel.

  2. I still need to finish the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series, I didn’t much like the second book and so kind of got put off finishing the series. I didn’t really like The Bear and The Nightingale, so decided not to read anymore books in that series. My dad used to read the All Creatures Great and Small books to me when I was a kid, but I don’t think we ever finished the series, so I’d quite like to go back and finish them now that I’m older.
    My TTT:

  3. I would love to read more All Creatures Great and Small books. But no one could share that time with us like the author of that series.

    The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place is a series I always think about reading.

    1. I agree that All Creatures can’t be continued without Mr. Herriot. I’ll just be thankful he wrote as much as he did.

      I absolutely love The Incorrigibles and it’s impossible for me to decide whether it’s the book themselves or Katherine Kellgren’s…vigourous narration that makes me love them so much. She put everything she had into these, howls and all.

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