Testimony: The Legacy of Schindler’s List: Book Review

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Cover of Testimony: The Legacy of Schindeler's List and the USC Shoah Foundation

3.5 Stars

Testimony covers a lot of ground, from the making of the movie, Schindler’s List, to the idea of filming Holocaust survivor testimonies, to the actual project, and now sharing the testimonies and collecting new ones from ongoing genocides around the world.

The first half of the book kept my attention better than the second half. I love the movie so seeing the behind-the-scenes photos and reading about the actor’s thoughts was fascinating. I also liked reading about the real people the characters were based on and how filming such harrowing scenes affected all the cast and crew. When the narrative moved on to the idea of the Shoah foundation and collecting the survivor/witness stories, I was still on board. I liked reading about how the USC Shoah Foundation is sharing their expertise with other groups around the world with similar goals. I was reading in bed wondering how you get a job collecting stories. I even searched StoryCorps to see if they were hiring (They were but I’m not bilingual). The idea of such a huge, important undertaking just appealed to me–no, it called to me.

The second half got more technical, focusing on ensuring that the testimonies are secure and stay in a format that is always relevant to the modern age. That started to lose me. I’m proficient with the technology that’s relevant to my life. I don’t really stay on the cutting edge of anything. And I definitely don’t understand anything about movie editing, etc. I do understand that all of this is important but I didn’t really follow it. I was back on slightly firmer footing when the narrative switched to sharing the testimonies with the world. Even at that, I quickly got to the point where I just wanted to know what website I could go to for myself.

What kept me going were the transcribed excerpts sprinkled throughout the book. I’m drawn to stories of the Holocaust so reading about what these survivors endured was a highlight of the book. I was glad that the editors chose to include narratives from not only Jewish survivors, but also a homosexual survivor, rescuers/witnesses, a Jewish woman active in the resistance, a Sinti and Roma survivor, and survivors from other genocides (Rwanda and Cambodia). I personally know very little about other genocides or even really other perspectives on the Holocaust. I especially like that all these excerpts included current photos of the speakers and photos from their past.

Anyone interested in the Holocaust and/or Schindler’s List will find this book fascinating. Pick it up for yourself and bear witness. We must never forget.

Thanks to the publisher for sending me a copy for review.

Read an excerpt.

Visit the USC Shoah Foundation‘s website.

Buy Testimony: The Legacy of Schindler’s List and the USC Shoah Foundation at

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I have an affiliate relationship with Malaprop’s, my local independent bookstore located in beautiful downtown Asheville, NC; and Better World Books. I will receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase books through links on my site. My opinions are completely my own.

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