The Secret Lives of Princesses by Philippe Lechermeier: Book Review

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The Secret Live of Princesses Book Cover

5 Stars

Sure, you know all about the fairy tale princesses. There’s that Cinderella chick and her pumpkin coach. Another fell asleep for a hundred years or so. And wasn’t there one who had crazy-long hair? Sure, you know them.

You don’t know these princesses.

Covering a gamut of traits, from Princess Hot-Head to Princess Eelizabeth (not a typo), you will learn all about princesses that you didn’t know existed. Each princess has a lovely full-color, full-page portrait and a brief biography. Two of my favorites were Princess Paige–“She reads everything she can find: novels, poetry, philosophy, and tall tales”–and Princess of the Disorient–“Her kingdom fits her image: wacky, filled with fools, and complete with nutty celebrations.” You know you’re intrigued now!

There are more than princesses in this book. There are all kinds of tips on princess behavior and style. Every princess needs a confidante. And exactly how does the fashionable princess outfit her elephant for traveling? This book comes complete with a diagram.

Seriously, I saw a review for this and knew I had to have it. My husband obliged and got it for me for my birthday. Even though I was in the middle of a scavenger hunt for my gifts, I had to stop and pore over this book for a while. Trust me, nothing comes between me and my presents. I put it down after a few minutes (a lifetime in between gifts!) and went off to finish looking for everything else. When I had time that night, I picked this back up and started reading it again. I was surprised that it was so long. It’s 92 fully-illustrated pages! I loved reading everything in it. It was just whimsically perfect for me. I adore the illustrations. At least pick it up if you see it in a bookstore and take a look. I bet you’ll fall in love with it too.

Buy this for the princess in your life, whether it’s a young daughter, niece, a friend who needs a pick-me-up, or yourself! I just loved it and can’t recommend it highly enough.

Thanks to There’s a Book for this wonderful review. I added it straight onto my wishlist as soon as I read Danielle’s thoughts on it!

This review is posted as part of Once Upon a Week, hosted by Today’s Adventure.

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  1. I must get this book! I love the word play, and I can already think of a dozen ways to use it in my classroom. Thanks for the review!

  2. Yay! I'm so glad you ended up liking it! I always get a little nervous, you know? But this one is so hard to resist, even the feel of the pages is amazing! Definitely a favorite of mine.

    Thanks so much for the link-up! :o)

  3. Thus sounds amazing! I definitely want to read this intriguing colelction. Thanks for sharing!

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