I don’t have a review written up for this book, but I have loved it since the first time I read it. It was summer break, I must have been in high school, and I had finished all the books I had checked out from the library. I didn’t feel like re-reading anything, so in […]
Cybele’s Secret by Juliet Marillier: Book Review
Paula is accompanying her father to Constantinople on a trading trip. She might “only” be a seventeen-year-old girl, but she’s an intelligent, able assistant. They’re in search of an ancient religious artifact, Cybele’s Gift. Once in Constantinople, Paula starts seeing strange visions, visions that she feels sure are coming from the Other Kingdom, the fairy […]
Life of Pi by Yann Martel: Book Review
Piscine Molitar Patel’s family owns a zoo in India. When they decide to immigrate to Canada, they sell all the animals, book them all on a cargo ship, and head off to deliver them en route to their new home. The ship promptly sinks and Pi is left alone in a lifeboat with some of […]
The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen: Book Review
4 Stars. This wasn’t exactly what I expected when I started it. I was expecting a typical shy-girl-meets-handsome-guy story. But it wasn’t exactly like that. This was more about finding the courage to get to know yourself. The importance of female friendships. The jealousies between mothers and daughters. Surrounding yourself […]
Between, Georgia by Joshilyn Jackson: Book Review
Nonny Frett is caught between. She was born into the Crabtree family and secretly adopted into the Frett family, two groups that have been fighting since time immemorial. She wants to divorce her husband but she’s caught between lust and lassitude. She’s frequently caught between what she wants to do and what she feels like […]
Persuasion by Jane Austen: Book Review
5 Stars. My favorite Austen! Captain Wentworth! *sigh* Or is it *swoon*? This was a nice blend of Austen’s pointed social commentary and a (bitter)sweet romance. Anne’s family is just awful. They are silly, vain and entirely too class-conscious. They insist on their “inferiors” showing them the proper amount of deference and […]
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia: Book Review
Sixteen-year-old Ethan Wate has been having nightmares for months. In his dreams, he’s unsuccessfully trying to save a girl. Then Lena Duchannes, the first new girl to move into his small South Carolina town in years, shows up. He recognizes her as the girl from his dreams, and things only get more complicated from there. […]
Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane: Book Review
Shutter Island is off the coast of Massachusetts, housing an asylum for the criminally insane. As a nasty summer storm brews up, U.S. Marshals Teddy Daniels and Chuck Aule cross over to the island to search for an escaped inmate. But Teddy knows that things are not as they seem on Shutter Island. Ho-lee crap. […]
Fair and Tender Ladies by Lee Smith: Book Review
I’m an Appalachian mountain girl. I felt like I knew Ivy from the first sentence. She truly seemed to come to life on the pages. I came along a few generations after her time, but I felt like she could be one of my grandmothers. She talked the way I probably still talk 🙂 Education […]
World Without End by Ken Follett: Book Review
Set a couple of hundred years after The Pillars of the Earth, World Without End picks up the story of the town of Kingsbridge. I don’t want to say too much about the twists and turns the plot follows, so I’ll just say that the book is the story of a generation of townspeople and […]
The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett: Book Review
I have my review of World Without End by Ken Follett written and ready to post. I refer so much to The Pillars of the Earth that I should probably post that review first. Here it is. To be very simplistic, The Pillars of the Earth is about building a cathedral in the twelfth century […]