Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen: Book Review

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3 Stars

Title: Northanger Abbey
Author: Jane Austen
Genre: Classic
Audience: Adult
Format: Hardcover

My Review:

Reviewed on GoodReads on January 10, 2008

According to the introduction to this edition, Northanger Abbey is the earliest of Jane Austen’s published novels but the last to be published, and even then it was published posthumously. I could tell this was an early work of hers, because her sarcasm and social commentary is much more obvious and pointed than in the other Jane Austen books I’ve read. This was still a decent book, but I much prefer Austen’s sly, subtle barbs to this transparent disdain for social climbers, silly rules of etiquette and propriety, and the gothic romances of her time.

My Synopsis:

Northanger Abbey is about Catherine Morland, an average girl and avid reader of gothic romances, and her adventures vacationing in Bath and visiting friends at their home, Northanger Abbey. To say more than that is to give away plot points.

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