Goldie Vance Volumes 3 & 4 by Hope Larson: Book Review

Goldie Vance Volume 3 by Hope Larson Book Cover

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4 Stars out of 5

Title: Goldie Vance Volumes 3 & 4
Author: Hope Larson & Jackie Ball (Volume 4)
Illustrators: Brittney Williams (Volume 3), Noah Hayes (Volume 3), and Elle Power (Volume 4)
Series: Goldie Vance #3 & #4
Genre: Adventure, Graphic Novel, Mystery, Southern Literature, Historical Fiction. Historical Mystery
Audience: Young Adult

My Review:

I love this series so much! Goldie can be annoyingly cocky sometimes but her friends keep her grounded. The mysteries are fun and somehow remind me of cartoons I would watch as kid. The diverse cast of characters is a delight.

There were some new illustrators added into the mix in these two volumes. There are some slight differences but they all stay true to the original feel and retro vibe of the series.

I can’t recommend these graphic novels highly enough! They’re so much fun and so colorful, they’re a safe bet for most readers.

My Synopsis:

Goldie Vance solves the mystery of a race car saboteur in volume three and concerning power outages surrounding a music festival in volume four.

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