The Exile of Sara Stevenson by Darci Hannah: Book Review

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Cover of The Exile of Sara Stevenson by Darci Hannah3 Stars

Sara Stevenson has shamed her family and has been exiled to a remote Scottish island for months. Along with her lady’s maid, Kate; Kate’s husband; and the lightkeeper, William, she will have to weather a long winter, unsure of the fate of her lover.

I thought this was pretty good. It’s not exactly my typical read, but I still enjoyed it.

My one real problem was that it was a bit too romance-y. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just not my thing. There are some supernatural elements that just took it over the top for me. Don’t get me wrong–I love fantasy, it just felt too “Love transcends all” for me.

Sara and her maid both irritated me at times. Sara is determined to do the exact opposite of what she’s told, to the point that it’s stupid and dangerous. “Don’t go out today, Sara, a snowstorm is coming.” So what does she do? She rides out. Of course. Because who doesn’t want to get caught out on the moors or what have you in a snowstorm? She also jumps to some ridiculous conclusions about William and refuses to change her mind about him for an inordinate amount of time. The maid was a little holier-than-thou tattletale.

But at least Sara was independent and spoke her mind. I ended up liking her.

I liked William too. He’s a tortured soul. He can be charming when he wants to be, but in the right mood, he’s scary. I had an idea what his story was going to be from early on, but I still liked reading all about him. But then, I do like me a good Scottish man!

I wish I could remember more details, but I don’t. Fans of Susanna Kearsley should give this one a try.

Read an excerpt.

Find author Darci Hannah on her website, Facebook, and Twitter.

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