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Mademoiselle Geraldine’s Finishing Academy for Young Ladies of Quality has taken boys on board and is heading to London. Sophronia knows that something is afoot, if she can only figure out just what it is. Someone seems to be determined to kidnap Dimity and her brother (What is his name? I can’t be bothered to look it up just at this moment), and Sophronia’s friends aren’t speaking to her.
Hmmm…I loved this while I was reading it and laughed my way through several parts, even going so far as to read them to my husband. But now that I’m sitting down to write my review a couple of weeks later, I find that I’ve forgotten most of the book. I’m going to knock it back a star. I think it’s fallen prey to the “filler” curse. How often does book two of a series only feel like filler? Entirely too often for my taste.
The book was as witty and charming as I expect Gail Carriger’s books to be. I loved that Lord Akeldama finally made an appearance. He will eat Sophronia up! Hopefully not intentionally. I actually enjoyed the triangle that is forming between Sophronia, spoiled Lord Felix, and down-to-earth Soap. I’m Team Soap all the way! I fear that it’s a doomed relationship before it even gets started though.
The whole thing with the other girls shunning Sophronia felt very forced. She’s a smart girl and she should have realized what was going on. I guess sometimes it’s hard to see it when you’re right in the middle of things though.
And I think that’s all I have to say about that. I’ll definitely continue with the series, I just hope the next installment is a bit stronger.
Read an excerpt.
Check out my 4-star review of the first in the series, Etiquette & Espionage.
Find author Gail Carriger on her website, her blog, and Facebook.
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I have an affiliate relationship with Malaprop’s, my local independent bookstore located in beautiful downtown Asheville, NC; and Better World Books. I will receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase books through links on my site. My opinions are completely my own.
1 Comment
The second book in a series seems to trip a lot of authors up. Thanks for sharing your Eclectic Reader review
Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out